Main Instrument Air Isolator Instrument Air Diagram

Coal Washery / Instrument Air / Instrument Air Distribution / Main Instrument Air Isolator

Package AirCompressor 1 Package AirCompressor 2 Package AirCompressor 3 Pkg Air Compressor1 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor2 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor3 Isolation Valve Receiver 1 InletIsolation Valve Receiver 2 InletIsolation Valve Plant Air ReceiverA Plant Air ReceiverB Plant Air MainlineFilter Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #2 Instrument AirDrier A Instrument AirDrier B Air Drier ADownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier BDownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier MainlineFilter Instrument Air RingMain IsolationValve Main Instrument AirIsolator 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter TowerIsolation BallValve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump A Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52A.1 Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump B Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52B.1 Instrument AirIsolation CationicFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation ClarifiedWater IsolationAddition IsolationBall Valve toFV5-2.1 Instrument AirIsolation CoalThickener DosingSpear Fresh WaterFeed Valve 7-17.1 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixerWater Tank FreshWater Feed ValveFV7-3.1 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixingTank Fresh WaterFeed Valve FV7-3.2 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant StorageTank Transfer ValveFV7-4.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationMiscellaneous atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet and DrainValves FV3-57A.1 &FV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpContol ValvesFV3-56.1, FV3-57C.1& FV3-57C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsOversize ScreenSN4-34 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener RakeHeight Raise ValveFV4-38.4 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener SampleValve FV4-32.2 &Clarometer AT4-38.1 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickner FeedwellFresh Water FeedValve FV7-16.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-25B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-15A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV8-30.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1112,V1110, V2576 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1441 Instrument AirIsolation forSlimes Tank Outflowand UnderflowFV4-41A.1 & .2FV4-41B.1 & .2 Instrument AirIsolation to BeltPress Filter A(BPFA) FL 4-50ASmall Coal CorrectMedium SplitterValve 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 Feed DMC Sump BLevel Control Valve Feed Sump B LevelControl Valve BPF Feed Pump AFresh Water FeedValve BPF Feed Pump BFresh Water FeedValve Instrument AirIsolation forCationic DosingWater Valves A & BFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 Coal ThickenerDosing Spear FreshWater Feed Valve Flocculant MixerWater Tank FreshWater Feed Valve Flocculant MixingTank Fresh WaterFeed Valve Flocculant StorageTank Transfer Valve Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall ValveIntermediate Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #1 & #2FV4-4C.2 & FV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #3 & #4FV4-4C.4 & FV4-4C.5 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valve FV4-4C.2 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4_4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.2 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFCV4-4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFV4-4C.1 Dilute Medium SumpA Clarified WaterLevel Control Valve Instrument AirIsolation Screen CClarified WaterIsolation Valve atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2848 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet ValveFV3-57A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forDCV3-56A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57C.2 Sec. Correct MediumPump C DensityControl Valve Secondary CorrectMedium Sump AirAgitation ControlValve Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB after T-OffIsolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed & SpiralControl ValvesFV32.1 & FV32.3Tailings ThickenerRake Height RaiseValveTailings ThickenerClarometer Tailings ThickenerSample Valve Tailings ThicknerFeedwell FreshWater Feed Valve Magnetite SplitterClean Coal A-BValve Magnetite SplitterClean Coal D-EValve HBF Feed Pump AFresh Water FeedValve HBF Feed Pump BFresh Water FeedValve HBF Feed Pump CFresh Water FeedValve Fire System LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-28.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1108 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1156 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1188, V1189,V1190, V1191 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1199, V1413 Slimes Tank OutletValve A Slimes Tank OutletValve B Slimes TankUnderflow ADischarge FlowValve Slimes TankUnderflow BDischarge FlowValve BPF-A SprayClarified WaterValve Floatation AirFilter 1 HBF Air Filter 1 Cationic DosingWater AdditionValve A Cationic DosingWater AdditionValve B Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.4 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #1 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #2 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #3 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #4 FB-C Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #2 FB-C Primary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Flotation Bank-CSpray Flow ControlValve Instrument AirIsolation Screen CClarified WaterIsolation ValveFV3-13C.1 Instrument AirIsolation OverdenseMedium SplitterBoInstrument AirIsolation ValvesCV3-28, DCV3-20A.1& DCV3-20B.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect MediumAddition Splitter AControl ValveLCV3-48A.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect MediumBleed Splitter AControl ValveLCV3-56.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1410 Sec. Correct MediumPump A Inlet Valve Sec. Correct MediumPump A DensityControl Valve Secondary CorrectMedium Pump A DrainValve Sec. Correct MediumPump C Inlet Valve Secondary CorrectMedium Pump C DrainValve BPF-B SprayClarified WaterValve HBF B Lube System Instrument AirIsolation TailingsValves at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation Valve forTailings ThickenerUnderflow FlushingValves Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve A Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve AClarified WaterStorage Tank InletValve Flotation Bank-CTailing Sump LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV2-15.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.2 Floatation AirFilter 2 HBF Air Filter 2 Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #2 Screen C ClarifiedWater Valve A Module DensityControl Valve B Module DensityControl Valve Overdense MediumSplitter BoxControl Valve #2 Secondary CorrectMedium AdditionSplitter A ControlValve Secondary CorrectMedium BleedSplitter A ControlValve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.1,FV4-60C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.3,FV4-60C.4 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings Spiral andScreen Feed ControlValves C FV4-32.4 &FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsCyclone InletControl Valves Instrument AirIsolation at T-Offto LCV4-27.1 CoalThickener SumpLevel Tailings ThickenerPump A FlushingWater Valve Tailings ThickenerPump A Gland SealValve Tailings ThickenerPump B FlushingWater ValveTailings ThickenerPump B Gland SealValveTailings UnderflowA Discharge ValveTailings UnderflowB Discharge ValveTailings UnderflowPump A InletValveTailings UnderflowPump B Inlet Valve Floatation FeedSump A LevelControl Valve Floatation FeedSump B LevelControl Valve Small Coal AreaFloor Sump A DumpValve Fine Coal Feed PumpA Shutoff Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpA Drain Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpB Shutoff Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpB Drain Valve Fine Coal Sump ALevel Control Valve1 Fine Coal Sump ALevel Control Valve2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2786 SP-2008 Outletisolation valve andisolation forPSL4-60.1 HBF C Water SealFlow Valve HBF-C Fresh WaterValve HBF C Belt WashFlow Valve HBF C Cloth WashFlow Valve Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed Control ValveC FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings SpiralControl Valve CFV4-32.4 Tailings Cyclone AInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone BInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone CInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone DInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone EInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone FInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone GInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone HInlet Control Valve Coal Thickener SumpLevel Control Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-3A.1, FV4-3C.1,FV4-3B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2671 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2673 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2675 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2681 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2684 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2686 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2796, V2795 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2798 and FV4-51.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0307 Primary InstrumentAir Isolation Valvefor V2574, V1063,V1064, V1800,V1061, V1062 Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve C Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve C Flotation A InletFlow Valve Flotation B InletFlow Valve Flotation C InletFlow Valve Flotation Bank-ATailing Sump LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2787, V2788 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2,FCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2789, V2790 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791, V2792 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793, V2794 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.2 Floatation BlowerBypass ControlValve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-5.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0233, V0223 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.2,ZC4-60A.1,ZC4-60A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.2,ZC4-60B.1,ZC4-60B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62C.1 FB-B Primary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-46.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.2 Flotation Bank BSpray Valve Flotation Tank ASpray Valve FB-A Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.2 FB-A Primary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4AB.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-11A.1,FV7-11B.1,FV7-11C.1, FV7-10.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-12.1 HBF-A Fresh WaterValveHBF-A Cloth WaterSpray Valve HBF-B Fresh WaterValve HBF B Cloth WaterFlow Valve HBF A Water SealFlow Valve HBF B Water SealFlow ValveHBF C Vacuum PumpSeal Water FlowValve Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank AFresh Water FeedValve Flotation Bank BFresh Water FeedValve Flotation Bank CFresh Water FeedValve Flotation FeedDistributor FreshWater Feed Valve Sizing ScreenUnderflowDistribution BoxFresh Water FeedValvesupplied instrument air fromsupplies instrument air to