Main Instrument Air Isolator Instrument Air Diagram

Coal Washery / Instrument Air / Instrument Air Distribution / Main Instrument Air Isolator

Package AirCompressor 1 Package AirCompressor 2 Package AirCompressor 3 Pkg Air Compressor1 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor2 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor3 Isolation Valve Receiver 1 InletIsolation Valve Receiver 2 InletIsolation Valve Plant Air ReceiverA Plant Air ReceiverB Plant Air MainlineFilter Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #2 Instrument AirDrier A Instrument AirDrier B Air Drier ADownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier BDownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier MainlineFilter Instrument Air RingMain IsolationValve Main Instrument AirIsolator 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter TowerIsolation BallValve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump A Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52A.1 Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump B Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52B.1 Instrument AirIsolation CationicFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation ClarifiedWater IsolationAddition IsolationBall Valve toFV5-2.1 Instrument AirIsolation CoalThickener DosingSpear Fresh WaterFeed Valve 7-17.1 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixerWater Tank FreshWater Feed ValveFV7-3.1 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixingTank Fresh WaterFeed Valve FV7-3.2 Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant StorageTank Transfer ValveFV7-4.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationMiscellaneous atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet and DrainValves FV3-57A.1 &FV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpContol ValvesFV3-56.1, FV3-57C.1& FV3-57C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsOversize ScreenSN4-34 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener RakeHeight Raise ValveFV4-38.4 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener SampleValve FV4-32.2 &Clarometer AT4-38.1 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickner FeedwellFresh Water FeedValve FV7-16.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-25B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-15A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV8-30.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1112,V1110, V2576 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1441 Instrument AirIsolation forSlimes Tank Outflowand UnderflowFV4-41A.1 & .2FV4-41B.1 & .2 Instrument AirIsolation to BeltPress Filter A(BPFA) FL 4-50ASmall Coal CorrectMedium SplitterValveMore...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More...More Itemssupplied instrument air fromsupplies instrument air to