1st Inlet Primary Instrument Air isolaton Valve for Air Filter SP-2002 Instrument Air Diagram

Coal Washery / Instrument Air / Instrument Air Distribution / 1st Inlet Primary Instrument Air isolaton Valve for Air Filter SP-2002

Package AirCompressor 1 Package AirCompressor 2 Package AirCompressor 3 Pkg Air Compressor1 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor2 Isolation Valve Pkg Air Compressor3 Isolation Valve Receiver 1 InletIsolation Valve Receiver 2 InletIsolation Valve Plant Air ReceiverA Plant Air ReceiverB Plant Air MainlineFilter Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #2 Instrument AirDrier A Instrument AirDrier B Air Drier ADownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier BDownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier MainlineFilter Instrument Air RingMain IsolationValve Main Instrument AirIsolator 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 Floatation AirFilter 1 Floatation AirFilter 2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2786 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-3A.1, FV4-3C.1,FV4-3B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2671 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2673 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2675 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2681 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2684 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2686 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2796, V2795 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2798 and FV4-51.1 Flotation A InletFlow Valve Flotation B InletFlow Valve Flotation C InletFlow Valve Flotation Bank-ATailing Sump LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2787, V2788 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2,FCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2789, V2790 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791, V2792 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793, V2794 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.2 Floatation BlowerBypass ControlValve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-5.1 FB-B Primary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-46.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.2 Flotation Bank BSpray Valve Flotation Tank ASpray Valve FB-A Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.2 FB-A Primary AirAgitation FlowControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4AB.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.4 Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #2 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #2supplied instrument air fromsupplies instrument air to