Coal Washery Location Diagram

Coal Washery

LocationCoal Washery360 FootageBuildingsClarified WaterSystemCoarse CoalCoking CoalConveyor SystemsData SourcesElectrical ServicesFine CoalFlocculant SystemFresh WaterRaw CoalReagent AdditionSmall CoalStorage andStockpilesTailingsUnlocatedUtilisation DataUtilitiesCoarse Coal 360FootageOther Areas47-48 TransferTowerBulk Coal WinderRotary BreakerBuilding Clarified WaterCirculating Pump Clarified WaterCirculating PumpIsolation Valves Clarified WaterCirculating PumpPressure ControllerClarified WaterCirculating PumpPressureTransmitterClarified WaterDistribution Clarified WaterHosing Raw CoalHandling PumpClarified WaterMake-Up Clarified WaterStorage Tank A Clarified WaterStorage Tank BCoarse CoalBuildingPG-TK5-1 PU5-9 to TK5-1AIsolation ValveV0135 V0306Coarse CoalConveyorsCoarse Coal DrainCoarse Coal FeedAsh MonitorTransmitter Coking BinChangeover GateCoking CoalConveyorsMoisture AnalyserTransmitterProduct BinsReject ConveyorsSampling ConveyorsTrash ScreenBuildingCitecteDNA HistorianHV SubSwitchroom Raw CoalSwitchroom WASwitchroom WBSwitchroom WCUnlocated Elec ??? Is this TK4-1CCoal ThickenerCoal ThickeningFiltrationFine CoalConcentrateThickenerFine Coal Conveyors Floatation AreaFloor SumpFlotation Flotation AreaFloor Sump PumpFlotation FeedPG-TK4-1Tailings ThickenerAnionic FlocculantAddition BPF Feed Pump AFresh Water FeedValveCationic FlocculantAdditionFlocculantVibration Feeder C Tailings ThicknerFeedwell FreshWater Feed ValveFresh Water MainSupply FlowFresh Waterisolation valveTK9-5 OutletNo 5 StockpileRaw Coal AshTransmitterRaw Coal ConveyorsRaw Coal RotaryBreakerRotary BreakerOversize PitRotary BreakerProduct DischargeChuteUnknown Reject Bin ConditionerMetering Pump Dewatering AidStorage Tank Flotation Bank AFresh Water FeedValve Flotation Bank BFresh Water FeedValve Flotation Bank CFresh Water FeedValve Flotation FeedDistributor FreshWater Feed Valve HBF Feed Pump CFresh Water FeedValve HBF-A DewateringAid Dosing Pump HBF-B DewateringAid Dosing Pump HBF-C DewateringAid Dosing Pump No1 Reagent BulkStorage Tank No2 Reagent BulkStorage TankPG-Filter AidPG-Reagents PU7-10 Second StageFlotation ReagentPump A Second StageFlotation ReagentPump B Second StageFlotation ReagentPump C Sizing ScreenUnderflowDistribution BoxFresh Water FeedValveDeslimingFeed Fine Coal Feed PumpA Fine Coal Feed PumpB Fine Coal Feed PumpCMedium RecoveryPrimary DMCSecondary DMCSmall CoalDewateringBPF Discharge PitDrain to GroundSecondary ProductStockpileTailings DewateringTailings ThickenerTailings Thickening BWC Area Floor SumpPumpBelt Press Filter B?????Belt Press Filter B????? Low Bradford BreakerFloor Sump PumpCN2-38 CraneCN2-40 CraneCN5-11 CN5-11 Drive CV6-80A Drive CV6-80B Drive CV6-80C DriveEngTools FE1-17 DriveFE8-34 Feeder Fines Coal BinPlough Power PackHBF C Belt SupportFan Pressure HBFC Oil? CoolingFan?? (Not inCitect graphics?) Magnetic Separator- Overhead Crane Part of rotarybreaker????? ROM CoalDistributor Gate Raw Coal Bin AreaFloor Sump Pump Reagents ?????? Rotary BreakerReject Gate SA6-90 Drive Screen C ClarifiedWater Valve Secondary ProductSamplerSmall Coal CorrectMedium SplitterValve Tailings ThickenerHydraulic OilCooling Fan Tailings ThickenerHydraulic PowerPack Unknown ????? 001VXXX1 WA9-ATSCB1 WA9-ATSCB2 WA9-FCB1 WA9-FCB10 WA9-FCB11 WA9-FCB12 WA9-FCB13 WA9-FCB2 WA9-FCB3 WA9-FCB4 WA9-FCB5 WA9-FCB6 WA9-FCB7 WA9-FCB8 WA9-FCB9ZS1-6B.3a ?????ZS1-6B.4a ?????Coarse Coal SystemUtilisationCoking Coal SystemUtilisationEnergy Coal SystemUtilisationFine Coal SystemUtilisationProduct LoadingSystem UtilisationRaw Coal ReceivalSystem UtilisationRaw Coal SizingSystem UtilisationReject Coal SystemUtilisationFire ServicesFresh Water SystemInstrument AirSystemPlant AirCC Level 1CC Level 2CC Level 3 360 - FB-C PrimaryTank South 360 - FL4-60A.1South 360 - FL4-60B.1South 360 - FL4-60C.1South 360 - Product Bins PU5-2 Drive Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve Stairs CV1-45 Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve Tail EndCV1-42 Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve after TailEnd CV1-42 Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve at Head EndCV1-45 Clarified WaterIsolation CV6-1Underpan Feed Valveat T-Off Clarified WaterIsolation CV6-6Underpan Feed ValveFV6-6.2 Clarified WaterIsolation GateValve to FV6-6.2and Reject BinsBin6-6 CV1-48 Sparay ValveClarified WaterFeed Valve CV6-1 UnderpanClarified WaterFeed Valve CV6-6 UnderpanClarified WaterFeed Valve Clarified WaterHosing Pump A Clarified WaterHosing Pump B Fine Coal FeedConveyor WaterSprinkler Feed Tailings ThickenerPump A FlushingWater Valve Tailings ThickenerPump B FlushingWater Valve PU5-3D DriveCatch Pit Clarified WaterStorage Tank ARefill Pump Rejects ConveyorClean Out Pit Rejects ConveyorClean Out Pit PumpSettling PitStorage Basin Tailings ThickenerRefill Pump Clarified WaterIsolation Valve forTK5-1AClarified WaterStorage Tank InletValveClarified WaterStorage Tank LevelTransmitter Coarse CoalBuilding Wash DownWater Pump Coarse Coal Bin A Coarse Coal Bin B Coarse Coal Bin C Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor Coarse CoalConveyor Over-BeltMagnetCoarse CoalDischarge Chute Coarse Coal FeedConveyor Coarse Coal FeedWeightometerCoarse Coal PloughCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A Coarse Coal SamplerConveyor B Coarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A Coarse CoalTransfer Conveyor B Coarse Coal CorrectMedium DensityControllerCoarse Coal CorrectMedium DensityTransmitter Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Pump InletValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump Coarse Coal CorrectMedium SumpClarified WaterFeed Valve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump DrainValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump PlantAir Feed ValveCoarse Coal CrusherCoarse Coal CrusherDischarge Chute Coarse Coal ProductScreenCoarse Coal ProductScreen ProductDischarge ChuteCoarse Coal ProductScreen RejectDischarge ChuteCoarse Coal ProductScreen UnderpanCoarse Coal ProductStatic Screen Coarse RejectsScreen Coarse RejectsScreen ClarifiedWater Feed ValveCoarse RejectsScreen DischargeChute ACoarse RejectsScreen DischargeChute BCoarse RejectsScreen Feed Launder/ BoxCoarse RejectsScreen UnderpanCrusher DustCollectorDust CollectorIntake Chute Magnetics FloorSump D Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B Coarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox Coarse Coal SizingScreenCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChuteCoarse Coal SizingScreen Feed Box Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxBypass Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxFeed Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed ValveCoarse Coal SizingScreen UnderpanDense Medium DrumDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteDense Medium DrumReject Chute Coking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor Coking Coal ProductConveyor Secondary ProductConveyor Coking Coal Bin A Coking Coal Bin B Coking Coal Bin C Product Bins FloorSump Product Bins FloorSump PumpTruck Weights Reject Bin Rejects Conveyor Rejects TransferConveyorCentrifuge APrimary SamplerCentrifuge DPrimary SamplerCentrifuge GPrimary SamplerCoarse Coal ProductSamplerCoking Coal ProductSamplerTrash ScreenTrash ScreenOversize Pit CB4-201 - WAIncommer 1 CB4-202 - WAIncommer 2 HV Bus Tie HV Incomer 1Circuit Breaker HV Incomer 2Circuit BreakerHV Sub BatteryChargerHV Switchroom TT 01CBHV Switchroom TT 02CBHV Switchroom TT 03CB Main HV Incomer 1 Main HV Incomer 2 Portable GeneratorSupply RC EssentialServices RC PFC Unit Supply RC Unknown PowerSource RC0 Main 415V ACB RC0 Switchboard RC1 Switchboard RC1 SwitchboardSupply RC2 Switchboard RC2 SwitchboardSupply RC3 Switchboard RC3 SwitchboardSupply RC4 Switchboard RC4 SwitchboardSupply CB4-205 - WA9 CB4-207 - WA5LT4-38.1 LevelSignal IsolatorOverdense MediumSump C Level SignalIsolatorTK3-1A Level SignalIsolatorTK3-1C Level SignalIsolator WA0 Switchboard WA1 Feed CircuitBreaker WA1 Switchboard WA2 Feed CircuitBreaker WA2 Switchboard WA20 SwitchboardWA21 MCC PanelTemerature 1WA21 MCC PanelTemerature 2WA22 MCC PanelTemerature 1WA22 MCC PanelTemerature 2 WA3 Feed CircuitBreaker WA3 Switchboard WA30 Switchboard WA5 Switchboard WA9 SwitchboardCB4-302CB4-303 CB4-304 Future CB4-305 WB1 CB4-306 WB2 CB4-307 WB3 CB4-308 WB7 CB4-309 WB8 CB4-310 Pro 415 CB4-311 Welding CB4-312 Spare CB4-313 Spare CB4-314 - WB4Switchboard CB4-315 - WB5Switchboard CB4-316 - WB6SwitchboardWB DB WB Main Incomer CB WB1 Switchboard WB2 Switchboard WB20 Switchboard WB3 Switchboard WB4 Switchboard WB5 Switchboard WB6 Switchboard WB7 SwitchboardWB8 MCC Temperature WB9 SwitchboardCB4-402CB4-403 CB4-404 CB4-405 WC1 CB4-406 WC2 CB4-407 WC3 CB4-408 WC9 Aux CB4-409 CB4-410 CB4-411 CB4-412 WC Main 415 ACB WC1 Switchboard WC2 Switchboard WC20 Switchboard WC3 Switchboard WC9 Switchboard CB4-214 - Unknown.Cannot find CB4-215 - Unknown.Cannot find CB4-317 - WB9 CB4-318 - Unknown.Cannot findPG-Coal Thickener Coal ThickenerOverflow Pump Coal ThickenerOverflow Sump Coal Thickener RakeDrive A Coal Thickener RakeDrive BCoal Thickener RakeLift Coal Thickener Tank Coal ThickenerUnderflow Pump A Coal ThickenerUnderflow Pump BPG-TK4-27 Coal ThickenerAgitator Filter Feed Sump HBF Cloth Wash Pump HBF ProductConveyorHBF-AHBF-BHBF-CCoal ConcentrateCyclone OverflowBoxCoal ConcentrateCyclone UnderflowBoxConcentrate CycloneDistributorPressure Tx ConcentrateThickening CycloneDistributorThickening CycloneSample ControlValve Thickening CyclonesPressure Controller Coalwash Bin Coalwash Conveyor Fine Coal Bin A Fine Coal Bin B Fine Coal Bin C Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor Fine Coal ConveyorOver-Belt Magnet Fine CoalDistributor Gate Fine Coal FeedConveyor Fine Coal FeedDistributor GatePower Pack Fine Coal FeedTransfer ConveyorFine Coal ProductDump Primary SizingScreen A Primary SizingScreen B Sizing Screens FeedConveyor Sizing Screens FeedGateFlotation BlowerOver-Pressure Valve Flotation BlowerPressure ControlValve Flotation CellBlower FlotationConcentrate Sump Flotation Tank A Flotation Tank B Flotation Tank CPG-FN4-5PG-TK4-30A&C PU4-44 Drive Floatation FeedSump A LevelControl Valve Floatation FeedSump B LevelControl Valve Flotation Feed PumpA Flotation Feed PumpB Flotation Feed SumpA Flotation Feed SumpBSand ScreenOversize Chute TailingsClassifying CycloneFeed Box TailingsClassifying CycloneOverflow BoxTailings CycloneUnderflow DischargeChute ATailings CycloneUnderflow DischargeChute CAnionic FlocculantWater Addition LowFlow BPF Anionic DosingPump A BPF Anionic DosingPump B BPF Feed Pump BFresh Water FeedValve Coal ThickenerDosing Spear FreshWater Feed Valve Coal ThickenerFlocculant Pump Flocculant BlowerFlocculant Heater Flocculant MixerWater Tank FreshWater Feed Valve Flocculant MixingTank Flocculant MixingTank Fresh WaterFeed ValveFlocculant ScrewFeeder B Flocculant StorageHopper Flocculant StorageTank HBF Feed Pump AFresh Water FeedValve HBF Feed Pump BFresh Water FeedValvePG-Anionic Floc Spare FlocculantPump Tailings ThickenerFlocculant Pump BPF Cationic DosingPump A BPF Cationic DosingPump B Cationic BulkStorage TankCationic DosingPump P4-56AIsolation valveCationic DosingPump P4-56BIsolation valveCationic DosingPump P4-80Isolation valve Cationic DosingWater AdditionValve A Cationic DosingWater AdditionValve B Catonic DosingWater AdditionValvePG-Catonic Floc Tailings CationicDosing Pump VF7-2C Drive Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickner FeedwellFresh Water FeedValve FV7-16.1No 5 StockpileLevelRaw Coal TransferReceival RB1-6 Drive PU7-12 DriveDewatering Aid TankLevel Transmitter Isolation Valve forTK7-14 HBF-A DewateringAid Shutoff Valve PU7-15A Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-15A HBF-B DewateringAid Shutoff Valve PU7-15B Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-15B HBF-C DewateringAid Shutoff Valve PU7-15C Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-15C Pump IsolationValve for PU7-12Reagent Tank 1Level TransmitterReagent Tank 2Level TransmitterFresh Waterisolation valve toreagent pumps PU7-10 Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-10 PU7-11A Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-11A PU7-11B Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-11B PU7-11C Drive Pump IsolationValve for PU7-11CDesliming Module ADesliming Module B Flotation FeedDistributor Fine Coal Feed PumpA Drain Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpA Shutoff Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpB Drain Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpB Shutoff Valve Fine Coal Feed PumpC Drain ValveFine Coal Feed PumpC Flowmeter Fine Coal Feed PumpC Shutoff Valve Fine Coal Feed SumpA Fine Coal Feed SumpA Sump Water Valve Fine Coal Feed SumpCPG-TK3-1APG-TK3-1A&CPG-TK3-1C Sizing ScreenUnderflowDistributor Small Coal AreaFloor Sump A DumpValve Small Coal AreaSump Small Coal AreaSump Small Coal AreaSump PumpFine Coal Feed AFlow Transmitter PU3-2A DriveFine Coal Feed BFlow Transmitter PU3-2B DriveFine Coal Feed CFlow Transmitter PU3-2C Drive Magnetite SplitterClean Coal A-BValve Magnetite SplitterClean Coal D-EValveMed. RecoveryCircuit AMed. RecoveryCircuit CPG-DT3-66PG-Mag Sep APG-Mag Sep CDMC Drain and RinseA and BDMC Drain and RinseCPG-Clarified WaterMakeupPG-DMC CyclonesPG-Module A&BPG-Module C - 1PG-Module C - 2 Primary DMC FeedSump APrimary DMC ModuleAPrimary DMC ModuleBPrimary DMC ModuleCSec. Correct MediumSump OversizeScreenSecondary CorrectMedium SplitterValve Secondary CorrectMedium Sump Secondary CorrectMedium Sump AirAgitation ControlValveSecondary DMCModule ASecondary DMCModule CSecondary DMCModule ASecondary DMCModule C Secondary ProductScreen Secondary RejectsScreen Centrifuge A Centrifuge B Centrifuge C Centrifuge D Centrifuge E Centrifuge G Magnetics FloorSump A Magnetics FloorSump B BPF Clarified WaterPump BPF Cloth WashReturn Pump BPF Cloth WashReturn Sump BPF Feed Pump A BPF Feed Pump BBPF Inline Mixer A1BPF Inline Mixer A2BPF Inline Mixer B1BPF Inline Mixer B2 BPF-A ClarifiedWater IsolationValveBPF-A Feed DensityTransmitter BPF-A Hosing WaterIsolation Valve BPF-B ClarifiedWater IsolationValveBPF-B Feed DensityTransmitterBelt Press A SlurryFlow TransmitterBelt Press B SlurryFlow TransmitterBelt Press Filter ABelt Press Filter B Slimes TankTailings Belt PressFilter ATailings Belt PressFilter B Tailings ThickenerCyclone FeedPressure 1 Tailings ThickenerCyclone FeedPressure 2 Tailings ThickenerUnderflow Pump A Tailings ThickenerUnderflow Pump BTailingsConcentrateThickenerTailings Thickener PU1-37 Drive PU1-40 Drive CN2-38 Drive CN2-40 DriveMarker001Marker002 FE8-34 Drive PP1-22 Drive FN4-64C Drive CN3-24 Drive PU1-27 Drive PU7-13 Drive Instrument AirIsolation Screen CClarified WaterIsolation ValveFV3-13C.1 SA6-95 Drive FN4-38 Drive PP4-38 Drive PU5-15 DriveCoarse Coal SizingUnit UtilisationCoking Coal StorageUnit UtilisationCoking CoalTransfer UnitUtilisationEnergy CoalScreening UnitUtilisationEnergy CoalStockpile UnitUtilisationFine Coal Feed AUnit UtilisationFine Coal Feed BUnit UtilisationFine Coal Feed UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 1 UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 2 UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 3 UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 4 UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 5 UnitUtilisationProduct Bay 6 UnitUtilisationROM Coal ReceivalUnit UtilisationRaw Coal LoaderReceival UnitUtilisationRaw Coal StockpileUnit UtilisationRaw Coal TruckReceival UnitUtilisationCoarse Coal StorageUnit UtilisationCoarse CoalTransfer UnitUtilisationFine Coal StorageUnit UtilisationRaw Coal OversizeUnit UtilisationRaw Coal ScreeningTransfer UnitUtilisationRaw Coal ScreeningUnit Utilisation Fire System LevelControl Valve Fire System Tank A Fire System Tank BFresh WaterReticulationFresh Water RingMain Fresh Water StorageTankAir SupplyInstrument AirDistributionInstrument AirSupply Air Isolator forTK3-20B Desliming ScreensAir Isolation Valve FV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-8C.1 AirIsolation Valve Instrument AirDrier C Instrument AirReciever C Instrument AirReciever DrainValve Magnetite Pit AirIsolation ValveMine Compressed AirFlowMine Compressed AirPressure Plant Air Isolationto TK3-20A,TK3-20B, TK3-22A Plant Air Isolationto TK3-26A, TK3-48A Plant Air Isolationto TK3-8A, 3-8B TK3-8B AirIsolation Valve Coarse Coal Level 1- -14.4 x 87.9 Coarse Coal Level 1- -14.4 x 94.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -14.4 x 99.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -14.5 x 91.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -16.9 x 91.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17 x 94.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17 x 99.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17.3 x 85.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17.5 x 70.9 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17.5 x 72.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17.5 x 79.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -17.9 x 72.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.2 x 89.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.2 x 97.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.4 x 93.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.7 x 70.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.8 x 87.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -18.9 x 72.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.6 x 82.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.7 x 79.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.7 x 79.8 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.8 x 70.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.8 x 72.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -19.9 x 73.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -20.2 x 81.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -22 x 90.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -22.6 x 100.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -22.8 x 73.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -22.8 x 96.9 Coarse Coal Level 1- -22.9 x 77 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.1 x 83.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.1 x 88.8 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.2 x 81.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.6 x 98.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.7 x 101.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -23.8 x 101 Coarse Coal Level 1- -25.1 x 95.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -25.7 x 100.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -26.3 x 73.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -26.8 x 77 Coarse Coal Level 1- -26.8 x 82 Coarse Coal Level 1- -27.7 x 85.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -27.8 x 88.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -28.6 x 79.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.2 x 73.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.3 x 100.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.3 x 91.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.4 x 97.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.6 x 101.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.6 x 83 Coarse Coal Level 1- -29.8 x 80.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33 x 80 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33.1 x 89.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33.1 x 91.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33.5 x 73.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33.5 x 83.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -33.5 x 88.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -34.3 x 91.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -34.6 x 97 Coarse Coal Level 1- -34.7 x 87 Coarse Coal Level 1- -34.8 x 94.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -35.2 x 83.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -36.1 x 101.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -36.4 x 91.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -36.5 x 94.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -38.4 x 86.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -38.5 x 80.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -38.6 x 73.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -39.2 x 81.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -39.7 x 83.8 Coarse Coal Level 1- -40 x 79 Coarse Coal Level 1- -40.5 x 95.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -40.7 x 75.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -42 x 100.8 Coarse Coal Level 1- -43.2 x 79.9 Coarse Coal Level 1- -43.2 x 89.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -43.7 x 93 Coarse Coal Level 1- -43.9 x 82 Coarse Coal Level 1- -43.9 x 95.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -44.5 x 75.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -45.2 x 81 Coarse Coal Level 1- -45.9 x 91.4 Coarse Coal Level 1- -46 x 87 Coarse Coal Level 1- -46.3 x 83.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -46.9 x 88 Coarse Coal Level 1- -47.3 x 91.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -48.3 x 83.5 Coarse Coal Level 1- -48.8 x 92.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -49.6 x 97.9 Coarse Coal Level 1- -50.8 x 85.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -53.7 x 96.6 Coarse Coal Level 1- -53.8 x 95.3 Coarse Coal Level 1- -54.6 x 86.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -54.6 x 89.7 Coarse Coal Level 1- -56.1 x 85.8 Coarse Coal Level 1- -56.3 x 98.1 Coarse Coal Level 1- -58.5 x 96 Coarse Coal Level 1- -60.2 x 89.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -61.1 x 89.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -61.5 x 89.2 Coarse Coal Level 1- -62.8 x 89.1 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --28.5 x 87.5 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --28.6 x 86.2 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --30.2 x 86.1 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --31.1 x 77.7 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --31.8 x 85.4 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --33.6 x 84.4 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --33.7 x 87.6 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --36.3 x 85.1 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --36.4 x 94.4 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --38.3 x 94.3 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --38.7 x 79.9 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --38.8 x 77.8 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --39.8 x 99.7 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --40.5 x 77.9 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --40.6 x 79.2 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --41.5 x 85.4 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --41.5 x 87.8 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --44.7 x 94.4 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --47.8 x 87.7 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --48.1 x 93.3 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --49.5 x 99.6 Coarse Coal Level 1Intermediate --49.6 x 95.3 Coarse Coal Level 2- -19.8 x 31.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -23.9 x 32.3 Coarse Coal Level 2- -30.2 x 95.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -34.3 x 95.7 Coarse Coal Level 2- -36.5 x 97 Coarse Coal Level 2- -48.4 x 83 Coarse Coal Level 2- -49.3 x 83.4 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --20.8 x 85.2 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --25.7 x 85.3 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --25.9 x 92 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --25.9 x 96.7 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --26.6 x 77.7 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --28.5 x 92.9 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --30.9 x 96.8 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --32.7 x 79.3 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --34.9 x 85.2 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate - -36x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate - -36x 81.1 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --46.5 x 85 Coarse Coal Level 2Intermediate --46.7 x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 3- -25.6 x 69.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -28.6 x 70 Coarse Coal Level 3- -28.7 x 74 Coarse Coal Level 3- -31.6 x 69.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -33.5 x 74 Coarse Coal Level 3- -34.3 x 69.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -37.2 x 73.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -38.6 x 69.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -44.1 x 73.7 Coarse Coal Level 3- -44.3 x 69.9 Coarse Coal Level 4- -52.4 x 91.7 Coarse Coal Level 4- -52.4 x 98 Coarse Coal Level 4- -57.7 x 88.5 Coarse Coal Level 4- -58 x 103.4 Coarse Coal Level 4- -58.2 x 98.2 Coarse Coal Level 4- -62.6 x 98.2 Coarse Coal Level 4- -62.7 x 104.1 Industrial Level 2- -21.3 x 34.2 Test 2 - -24.2 x34.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -23.9 x 90 Coarse Coal Level 2- -24 x 89.9 Coarse Coal Level 2- -24.4 x 70.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.2 x 85.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.2 x 85.9 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.3 x 85.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.3 x 89.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.6 x 95.4 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.8 x 79.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -25.9 x 77.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.1 x 90.4 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.6 x 84.2 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.7 x 77.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.7 x 81.3 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.7 x 93.2 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.9 x 102.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -26.9 x 97.2 Coarse Coal Level 2- -27.7 x 93.3 Coarse Coal Level 2- -27.8 x 95.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -27.9 x 97 Coarse Coal Level 2- -28.3 x 103 Coarse Coal Level 2- -28.9 x 85.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -29.1 x 73.3 Coarse Coal Level 2- -29.2 x 103.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -29.2 x 69.9 Coarse Coal Level 2- -30.1 x 97.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -31.7 x 85.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -31.9 x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -33 x 103.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -35.2 x 70 Coarse Coal Level 2- -36 x 85.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -36.1 x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -36.1 x 81.4 Coarse Coal Level 2- -37.9 x 103.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -38.5 x 102 Coarse Coal Level 2- -39.9 x 70 Coarse Coal Level 2- -40.6 x 85.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -41 x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -41.2 x 102.7 Coarse Coal Level 2- -41.3 x 91.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -41.4 x 86.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -41.4 x 96.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -42.2 x 92.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -42.4 x 103.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -43.1 x 97 Coarse Coal Level 2- -45.9 x 73.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -46.6 x 84.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -46.7 x 77.5 Coarse Coal Level 2- -46.9 x 92.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -47 x 97 Coarse Coal Level 2- -47.4 x 103.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -47.6 x 70 Coarse Coal Level 2- -47.7 x 86.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -49.8 x 88.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -50.1 x 70.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -50.3 x 73.2 Coarse Coal Level 2- -51.1 x 91.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -51.8 x 88.1 Coarse Coal Level 2- -51.8 x 96.9 Coarse Coal Level 2- -52.5 x 86.7 Coarse Coal Level 2- -52.5 x 92.8 Coarse Coal Level 2- -52.6 x 103.6 Coarse Coal Level 2- -52.6 x 99.9 Coarse Coal Level 2- -52.9 x 90.7 Coarse Coal Level 2- -55.6 x 89.7 Coarse Coal Level 2- -55.7 x 88.4 Coarse Coal Level2- -24.4 x 73.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -22.8 x 75.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -25.4 x 75.6 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.1 x 87.5 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.2 x 86.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.5 x 90.7 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.6 x 92.6 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.8 x 96.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -26.9 x 87.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -30.5 x 87.3 Coarse Coal Level 3- -30.6 x 90 Coarse Coal Level 3- -31.6 x 86.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -32 x 93.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -32 x 96.6 Coarse Coal Level 3- -34.3 x 96.5 Coarse Coal Level 3- -34.7 x 93.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -37 x 87 Coarse Coal Level 3- -37 x 90 Coarse Coal Level 3- -38.5 x 93.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -38.6 x 90 Coarse Coal Level 3- -38.8 x 87 Coarse Coal Level 3- -38.9 x 91.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -43.7 x 92.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -43.7 x 93 Coarse Coal Level 3- -46.8 x 92.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -46.9 x 93.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -47.3 x 96.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48 x 96.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48.3 x 103.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48.3 x 98.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48.4 x 100.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48.7 x 88.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -48.7 x 91 Coarse Coal Level 3- -49.7 x 92.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -49.7 x 96.7 Coarse Coal Level 3- -49.8 x 93.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -50.4 x 88.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -50.5 x 90.9 Coarse Coal Level 3- -51.6 x 104.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -52 x 96.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -52.3 x 92 Coarse Coal Level 3- -52.3 x 98.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -56.6 x 86.6 Coarse Coal Level 3- -56.8 x 88 Coarse Coal Level 3- -56.8 x 89.8 Coarse Coal Level 3- -57.2 x 89.7 Coarse Coal Level 3- -57.5 x 86.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -61.7 x 104.1 Coarse Coal Level 3- -61.7 x 98.2 Coarse Coal Level 3- -63.4 x 98.3 Coarse Coal Level 3- -63.7 x 102.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -67.7 x 102.4 Coarse Coal Level 3- -67.8 x 98.5 Clarified WaterIsolation ButterflyValve to FV1-48.1for Spray GunFv1-48.1 Head Clarified WaterIsolation CV6-1Underpan Feed Valve PU5-3A Drive PU5-3B Drive Clarified WaterIsolation Make-UpPU6-24 InstrumentAir Isolation toTank TK5-4 PU5-8 DriveRejects Coal CleanOut Pit Level HighSwitchRejects Coal CleanOut Pit Level LowSwitch PU6-24 Drive PU5-9 DriveCoarse CoalBuilding Wash DownWater PressureTransmitter PU5-18 DriveCoase Coal Bin ALevel TransmitterCoase Coal Bin BLevel TransmitterCoase Coal Bin CLevel Transmitter CV1-15 DriveCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Belt Drift - EastCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Belt Drift - WestCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Drift Override -TailCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Estop Head Ctl StnCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Estop Head GTU CtlStn2Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Field Start - Head2Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Field Stop - HeadCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire EastMidwayCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire EastSouthCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire WestMidwayCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire WestNorthCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -SirenCoarse Coal BinTripperCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor- Blocked Chute Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forCV1-15 CV1-20 DriveCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BlockedChute CV1-18 DriveCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - Belt RipCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHead - GTUCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl Stn2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS Tail (B)Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS Head-MidCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS MidCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - SirenCoarse Coal PloughBin A MiddlePositionCoarse Coal PloughBin A NorthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin A SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin B NorthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin B SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin C MiddlePositionCoarse Coal PloughBin C SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughMaintenancePosition DV1-17 Drive A DV1-17 Drive B CV6-11A DriveCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A - PullWireCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A - PullWire CV6-11B DriveCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor B - PullWireCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor B - PullWire CV1-13 DriveCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Belt Drift -SouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Belt SlipCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Drift Override- TailCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Estop TailNorth2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Field Start -Head2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Field Stop -HeadCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire HeadNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire HeadSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire TailNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire TailSouthCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A- Belt Drift -NorthCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A- Siren Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forCV1-13 CV1-14 DriveCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Belt Drift -NorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Belt Drift -SouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Blocked ChuteCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Blocked Chute 1Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Drift Override- TailCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Estop TailSouth2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Field Start -Head2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Field Stop -HeadCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire HeadNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire HeadSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire TailNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire TailSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Siren A Module DensityControl Valve B Module DensityControl Valve Overdense MediumSplitter BoxControl Valve #2 Coarse Coal CorrectMedium PumpCoarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump LevelTransmitter FV2-30.1 IsolationValve CR2-25 DriveCoarse Coal CrusherHome LimitCoarse Coal CrusherSpeed Sensor SN2-24 DriveCoarse Coal ProductScreen Chute ABlockage DetectorCoarse Coal ProductScreen Chute BBlockage DetectorCoarse RejectsChute BlockageDetector SN2-26 Drive Clarified WaterIsolation Make-UpPU6-24 InstrumentAir Isolation toTank SN2-26 DC2-29 DriveDust CollectorDifferentialPressureTransmitterMagnetics FloorSump D Level HighSwitchMagnetics FloorSump D Level LowSwitch Magnetics FloorSump Pump D Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter ControlValveCorrect MediumSplitter Valve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A ControlValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B ControlValveCoarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox LevelTransmitter SN2-21 DriveCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChute BlockageDetectorCoarse Coal SizingScreen Level High B Fine Coal to LowerFB2-21 IsolationValve Fine Coal to UpperFB2-21 IsolationValveDense Medium DrumLevel TransmitterDense Medium DrumSpeed Sensor SE2-22 DriveDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteBlockage DetectorDense Medium DrumReject ChuteBlockage Detector CV6-3 DriveCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSHeadCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Blocked ChuteCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Drift Override -HeadCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Drift Override -TailCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Estop CS2Coking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Field Start - HeadCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS HeadCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS TailCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadCoking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS TailCoking Coal PloughCoking Coal ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadRefuse Conveyor -Belt RipRejects Conveyor -Belt Rip CV6-1 DriveCV6-1 Fire DelugeFlow SwitchCV6-1 UnderpanSpray ValveCV6-1 WaterIsolation Valve Coking CoalConveyorWeightometerCoking Coal ProductConveyor - Belt RipCoking Coal ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadCoking Coal ProductConveyor - EstopTail Ctl StnCoking Coal ProductConveyor - Estop WSHead Ctl Stn2Coking Coal ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Coking Coal ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Coking Coal ProductConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Coking Coal ProductConveyor - FieldStop - TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire OWS MidCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire OWS TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire OWS Tail -MidCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire WS HeadCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire WS Head-MidCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire WS MidCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire WS TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - PullWire WS Tail -Mid CV6-22 DriveFine Coal ConveyorPloughSecondary ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - OWSSecondary ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - WSSecondary ProductConveyor - Belt RipSecondary ProductConveyor - BlockedChuteSecondary ProductConveyor - DriftOverrideSecondary ProductConveyor - EstopHead WestSecondary ProductConveyor - EstopMidway GroundSecondary ProductConveyor - EstopMidway MiddleSecondary ProductConveyor - EstopMidway WestSecondary ProductConveyor - EstopTail West2Secondary ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Midway2Secondary ProductConveyor - FieldStop - MidwaySecondary ProductConveyor - PullWire Head EastSecondary ProductConveyor - PullWire Midway EastSecondary ProductConveyor - PullWire ShoulderSecondary ProductConveyor - PullWire WS TailSecondary ProductConveyor - SirenSecondary ProductConveyor Plough ASecondary ProductConveyor Plough B Secondary ProductConveyorWeightometerBin 4A High HighLevelBin 4A High HighLevel EastBin 4B High HighLevel WestCoking Coal Bay 1ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 1VibratorsCoking Coal Bay 2ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 2VibratorsCoking Coal Bin ALevel TransmitterProduct Loading Bay1Product Loading Bay2Bin 4A High HighLevel WestBin 4B High HighLevelBin 4C High HighLevel EastCoking Coal Bay 3ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 3VibratorsCoking Coal Bay 4ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 4VibratorsCoking Coal Bin BLevel TransmitterProduct Loading Bay3Product Loading Bay4Bin 4B High HighLevel EastBin 4C High HighLevelBin 4C High HighLevel WestCoking Coal Bay 5ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 5VibratorsCoking Coal Bay 6ClamshellCoking Coal Bay 6VibratorsCoking Coal Bin CLevel TransmitterProduct Loading Bay5Product Loading Bay6 PU6-8 DriveWeighbridge Bay 1Weighbridge Bay 2Weighbridge Bay 3Weighbridge Bay 4Weighbridge Bay 5Weighbridge Bay 6Reject Bin LevelTransmitterCV1-22 WaterIsolation Valve CV6-6 DriveCV6-6 Fire DelugeFlow SwitchCV6-6 UnderpanSpray Valve2Coking Coal BinTransfer Conveyor -Field Stop - TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadCoking Coal ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailCoking Coal ProductConveyor - BlockedChuteCoking Coal ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - TailRejects Conveyor -Belt Drift - NorthRejects Conveyor -Belt Drift - SouthRejects Conveyor -Belt Drift - TailNWSRejects Conveyor -Belt Drift - TailWSRejects Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSHeadRejects Conveyor -Belt RipRejects Conveyor -Blocked ChuteRejects Conveyor -Drift Override -HeadRejects Conveyor -Drift Override -TailRejects Conveyor -Estop Head Ctl StnRejects Conveyor -Estop Head OWS CtlStn2Rejects Conveyor -Field Start - Head2Rejects Conveyor -Field Start - Tail2Rejects Conveyor -Field Stop - Head2Rejects Conveyor -Field Stop - TailRejects Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS Tail-MidRejects Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadRejects Conveyor -Pull Wire WSHead-MidRejects Conveyor -Pull Wire WS TailRejects Conveyor -Pull Wire WS Tail-MidRejects Conveyor -Pullwire OWS TailRejects Conveyor -Siren Rejects ConveyorWeightometer CV2-28 DriveRejects TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - Tail NSRejects TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - Tail SSRejects TransferConveyor - Belt RipRejects TransferConveyor - BeltSlipRejects TransferConveyor - BlockedChuteRejects TransferConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadRejects TransferConveyor - EstopHead2Rejects TransferConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Rejects TransferConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Rejects TransferConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Rejects TransferConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Rejects TransferConveyor - FieldStop - TailRejects TransferConveyor - PullWire - Head NorthRejects TransferConveyor - PullWire - Head SouthRejects TransferConveyor - PullWire - OWS TailRejects TransferConveyor - PullWire - Tail NorthRejects TransferConveyor - PullWire - WS TailRejects TransferConveyor - SirenCoarse Coal ProductPrimary SamplerCoarse Coal ProductSecondary Sampler Coarse Coal SamplerCrusher Coarse Coal SamplerHopper Coarse CoalSampling SystemGate SA6-80 DriveCoking Coal ProductPrimary SamplerCoking Coal ProductSecondary SamplerCoking Coal SamplerCrusher SN1-10 Drive Raw CoalTransformer TXF5.105 WB TransformerCB5-104 WC TransformerSupply TXF 5.106 Future supply WA Transformer 1Supply CB WA Transformer 2Supply CB HV Sub AuxTransformer CBRC0.1 RC 101 PanelTempRC0.1 RC 102 PanelTempRC0.1 RC 103 PanelTempRC0.1 RC 104 PanelTempRC0.1 RC 105 PanelTempRC0.1 RC PLC TempRaw Coal SW 01Mains TempRC1 RC Panel TempRC1.1 RC Panel TempRC2 RC Panel TempRC3 RC Panel TempWA0 5-0004 ACBTemperatureWA0 5-0005 ACBTemperatureWA0 PLC Panel TempWA1 MCC TemperatureWA2 MCC TemperatureWA20 MCCTemperatureWA3 MCC TemperatureWA30 MCCTemperatureWA5 MCC TemperatureWA9 MCC TemperatureWB1 MCC TemperatureWB2 MCC TemperatureWB20 MCCTemperatureWB3 MCC TemperatureWB5 MCC Temperature WB9-FCB1 WB9-FCB2 WB9-FCB3 WB9-FCB4 WB9-FCB5 WB9-FCB6 WB9-FCB7 WB9-FCB8WC1 MCC TemperatureWC2 MCC TemperatureWC20 MCCTemperatureWC3 MCC Temperature WC3-FCB1 WC3-FCB2 WC3-FCB3 WC3-FCB4 WC3-FCB5 WC3-FCB6 WC3-FCB7WC9 MCC Temperature WC9-FCB1 WC9-FCB10 WC9-FCB11 WC9-FCB12 WC9-FCB13 WC9-FCB2 WC9-FCB3 WC9-FCB4 WC9-FCB5 WC9-FCB6 WC9-FCB7 WC9-FCB8 WC9-FCB9 PU4-28 Drive Coal Thickener SumpLevel ControlCoal Thickener SumpLevel Transmitter Clarified WaterIsolation Valve forDV4-14C DV4-14C DriveCoal ThickenerClarometerCoal ThickenerFully LoweredCoal ThickenerFully RaisedCoal Thickener RakeHeight Coal Thickener TankWater IsolatorCoal ThickenerTorque ACoal ThickenerTorque BCoal Thickener WeirFlow TransmitterCoal ThickenerOverflow A DensityTransmitter PU4-15A DriveCoal ThickenerOverflow B DensityTransmitter PU4-15B Drive AG4-14 Drive A AG4-14 Drive B Filter Feed SumpAgitatorFilter Feed SumpLevel Transmitter PU5-3C Drive CV4-46 DriveHBF ProductConveyor - Belt RipHBF ProductConveyor - BlockedChuteHBF ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadHBF ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStop - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStop - TailHBF ProductConveyor - HeadWalk Side PullwireHBF ProductConveyor - TailWalk Side PullwireHBF ProductConveyor Belt Drift- Tail NWSHBF ProductConveyor Belt Drift- Tail WSHBF ProductConveyor Estop -Head Ctl Stn Cloth Wash ReturnPump A Cloth Wash ReturnSump A Filtrate Pump A Filtrate Receiver AHBF A Belt SupportFan PressureHBF A ClarifiedWater to UnderpanSprayHBF A Water SealFlow Switch 1HBF A Water SealFlow Switch 2 HBF A Water SealFlow Valve HBF Belt SupportFan A HBF Feed Pump A HBF-A Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-A Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter APG-HBF A Vacuum Pump A Filtrate Receiver BHBF B ClarifiedWater to UnderpanSprayHBF B Water SealFlow Switch 1 HBF Belt SupportFan BHBF Feed Box B HBF Feed Pump B HBF-B Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-B Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter BPG-HBF B Vacuum Pump B Cloth Wash ReturnPump C Cloth Wash ReturnSump C Filtrate Pump C Filtrate Receiver C HBF C Belt WashFlow ValveHBF C ClarifiedWater to Belt WashSprayHBF C ClarifiedWater to Cloth WashSpray HBF C ClothTracking EastSolenoid Valve HBF C ClothTracking ExhaustSolenoid Valve HBF C ClothTracking WestSolenoid Valve HBF C Cloth WashFlow ValveHBF C Cloth WashSpeed SwitchHBF C Fresh WaterSupply to Head DrumWash HBF C Lube SystemHBF C Tracking AirSupply HBF C Water SealFlow ValveHBF C Water SealSwitch 1HBF C Water SealSwitch 2HBF C Water SealSwitch 3HBF C Water SealSwitch 4HBF C Water SealSwitch 5HBF C Water SealSwitch 6 HBF Feed Pump CHBF-C Coking CoalChute HBF-C Fresh WaterFlow Valve Isolator HBF-C Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-C Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter CPG-HBF C Vacuum Pump C Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1Coal Wash BinWeightCV1-42 ClarifiedWater Feed FlowSwitch CV1-42 DriveCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSHeadCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSTailCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSHeadCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSTailCoalwash Conveyor -Belt RipCoalwash Conveyor -Belt SlipCoalwash Conveyor -Blocked ChuteCoalwash Conveyor -Drift Override -HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Drift Override -TailCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS TailCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS MidCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS TailFine Coal Bin AHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin ALevel TransmitterFine Coal Bin BHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin BLevel TransmitterFine Coal Bin CHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin CLevel Transmitter CV1-21 DriveFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BrakeLiftedFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead - GTU2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - FieldStop - HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Head EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Head WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Midway EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Midway WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Tail EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Tail WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - Siren Fine Coal BinsWeightometer CV1-28 Drive CV1-26 DriveCV1-26 Fire DelugeFlow SwitchFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltSlipFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BlockedChuteFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopGTUFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl StnFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead Mot SideFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - Estop WSHeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS MidFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire WS Midway2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StartTail Ctl StnFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StopHead Ctl Stn2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StopTail Ctl StnFine Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadFine Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - Tail2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - TailFine Coal FeedConveyor - Siren Fine Coal FeedWeightometerRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - Belt Rip PP1-72 Drive CV1-29 DriveFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -OWS Mid Belt DriftFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -WS Mid Belt DriftFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Belt RipFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Belt SlipFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Blocked ChuteFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Drift Override -TailFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Estop Hed Ctl Stn2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Jog - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Jog - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Start - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Start - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Stop - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Stop - TailFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS Tail Fine Coal FeedTransferWeightometer SN1-12A Drive SN1-12B Drive CV1-11 DriveCV1-11 Fire DelugeFlow Switch CV1-11 Fire DustSuppression ValveSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWSSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WSSizing Screens FeedConveyor - Belt RipSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltSlipSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BlockedChuteSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BrakeLiftedSizing Screens FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailSizing Screens FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl Stn2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - EstopTail Ctl Stn2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Midway2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStop - HeadSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS HeadSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS MidSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS TailSizing Screens FeedConveyor - Siren Sizing Screens FeedWeightometer FN4-5 DriveFloatation BlowerPressureTransmitter Flotation BlowerPressure Controller Concentrate SumpAgitator ConcentrateThickening CycloneFeed Pump FB-C Conc. RecircLine Sample Point FB-C Conc. RecircLine Sample Valve FB-C Conc. SumpSample Point FB-C Conc. SumpSample ValveFlotation Bank-CConc. Sump LevelTransmitter FB-A FlotationTailings Sump FB-A Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-A Primary Tank FB-A Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-A Secondary TankFB-A Water System Flotation A InletFlow ValveFlotation ATurbidity Meter Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelController Flotation Tank ASpray ValvePG-Flotation A1PG-Flotation A2PG-Flotation A3 FB-B Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-B Primary Tank FB-B Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-B Secondary Tank Floatation B SprayWater Valve Flotation B InletFlow ValveFlotation BTurbidity Meter Flotation Bank BSpray Valve Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControllerPG-Flotation B1PG-Flotation B2PG-Flotation B3FB-C Air SystemFB-C Cell OutletsFB-C Cell Outlets FB-C ConcentrateSample Point #1 FB-C FlotationTailings Sump FB-C Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-C Primary Tank FB-C Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-C Secondary TankFB-C Water System Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelController Flotation C InletFlow Valve Flotation C SprayWater ValveFlotation CTurbidity MeterPG-Flotation C1PG-Flotation C2PG-Flotation C3 PU4-2A Drive PU4-2B DriveFloation Feed SumpA Level Transmitter Flotation Feed SumpA Level ControlFlotation Feed SumpOversize ProtectionScreen AFloation Feed SumpB Level Transmitter Flotation Feed SumpB Level ControlFlotation Feed SumpOversize ProtectionScreen B Tailings OversizeChute WaterIsolator BTailings CycloneBank B InletPressure Tx Tailings ClassifierSample Point Tailings ClassifierSample Valve Thickener Feed BoxIsolator Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve A Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve A Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve C Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve C PU4-52A Drive PU4-52B Drive Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump B Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52B.1 Instrument AirIsolation CoalThickener DosingSpear Fresh WaterFeed Valve 7-17.1 PU7-17 Drive FN7-2A Drive Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixerWater Tank FreshWater Feed ValveFV7-3.1Flocculant MixingLevel Transmitter Flocculant MixingTank Agitator Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant MixingTank Fresh WaterFeed Valve FV7-3.2 FE7-2B DriveFlocculant HopperFilter Flocculant StorageHopper ScaleFlocculant StorageLevel TransmitterFlocculant StorageTank High Level Flocculant StorageTank Transfer Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-15A.1 PU7-18 Drive PU7-16 Drive PU4-56A Drive PU4-56B DriveCationic BulkStorage Tank LevelTransmitter Instrument AirIsolation forCationic DosingWater Valves A & BFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 PU4-80 Drive Bulk HoistReceiving Pocket CV1-47 Raw CoalStackout Conveyor CV1-48 Raw CoalStack Out ConveyorROM VibratoryFeeder Raw Coal ConveyorOver-Belt Magnet Raw CoalDistributor Gate Raw Coal FeedDistributor GatePower PackRaw Coal Feeder Raw Coal ReclaimConveyor Raw Coal Stack OutTripper Raw Coal TransferConveyor Rotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor Rotary BreakerOversize ConveyorTramp CollectionSkip Trash Screen FeedConveyor Coal Wash ReceivalHopper A Coal Wash ReceivalHopper BCoalwash ReceivalFeeder ACoalwash ReceivalFeeder BPG-Dendrobium CoalWashPG-Raw CoalReceival ROM Coal ConveyorRaw Coal ReceivalFeeder BRaw Coal ReceivalFeeder CRaw Coal ReceivalFeeder D Raw Coal ReceivalHopper A Raw Coal ReceivalHopper B Raw Coal ReceivalHopper C Raw Coal ReceivalHopper D Clarified Water A,B & C Flow Valve Desliming Screen A Desliming Screen B Desliming Screen C Fine Coal FeedDistributor A Clarified Water D,E and F Flow Valve Desliming Screen D Desliming Screen E Desliming Screen F Fine Coal FeedDistributor BFlotation FeedDistributor LevelFine Coal Feed SumpA Level Transmitter Fine Coal Sump ADischarge FlowValve 1 Fine Coal Sump ADischarge FlowValve 2 Fine Coal Sump ALevel Control Valve1 Fine Coal Sump ALevel Control Valve2 TK3-1A LevelController Fine Coal Feed SumpC Level ControlValveFine Coal Feed SumpC Level Transmitter Fine Coal Sump CDischarge FlowValve TK3-1C LevelControllerSmall Coal AreaFloor Sump LevelHigh SwitchSmall Coal AreaFloor Sump LevelLow Switch PU2-15 DriveFine Coal Feed CFlow Controller Fine Coal Feed SumpC Flow Control Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-25B.1 Dilute Medium PumpA Magnetic SeparatorA Magnetic SeparatorB Magnetite SeparatorEffluent SplitterOverdense Medium ADensity Transmitter Overdense MediumDistribution Box A Overdense MediumPump A Overdense MediumSump APG-TK3-26A Dilute Medium PumpC Dilute Medium PumpInlet Valve Dilute Medium SumpC Dilute Medium SumpC Clarified WaterFeed ValveDilute Medium SumpC OversizeProtection Screen Dilute Medium SumpDrain Valve Dilute Medium SumpPlant Air ValveFeed Valve Magnetic SeparatorCMagnetic SeparatorConk Collection BoxC Magnetic SeparatorDMagnetic SeparatorEffluent CollectionBox D Magnetic SeparatorEffluent CollectionBox D Drain ValveMagnetic SeparatorEffluent CollectionBox E Magnetic SeparatorEffluent CollectionBox E Drain ValveMagnetic SeparatorFeed Distributor C& DMagnetite Pit Magnetite Pit Pump Magnetite StockpileFeed Valve Overdense MediumPump C Overdense MediumPump Fresh WaterFeed ValveOverdense MediumPump Fresh WaterFlow Switch Overdense MediumPump Inlet ValveOverdense MediumSlurry FlowTransmitter Overdense MediumSplitter #1Clarified WaterFeed Valve Overdense MediumSplitter #1 ControlValve Overdense MediumSplitter #3 ControlValve Overdense MediumSplitter #4 ControlValve Overdense MediumSplitter Box COverdense MediumSplitter BoxDensity Transmitter Overdense MediumSump C Overdense MediumSump C Drain Valve Overdense MediumSump C MagnetiteFeed Valve Overdense MediumSump C Plant AirFeed ValvePG-TK3-26C Clean Coal Screen A Clean Coal Screen B Clean Coal Screen C Clean Coal Screen D Clean Coal Screen E Coal Screen CorrectMedium Box C Correct Medium SumpA Correct Medium SumpB Dilute Medium SumpA PU7-11 ??? Primary CycloneOverflow CollectionBox A Primary CycloneOverflow CollectionBox BCentrifugeConcentrateCollection Box GCentrifugeDischarge Chute GClean Coal ScreenChute G Clean Coal Screen GClean Coal ScreenUnderpan G Correct Medium PumpC Correct Medium PumpC Clarified WaterFeed Valve Correct Medium SumpC Correct Medium SumpC Plant Air FeedValveCorrect Medium SumpOversize ProtectionScreen C DMC C DensityControllerDMC C DensityTransmitter Mag Sep C EffluentLevel Control Valve Mag Sep D EffluentLevel Control Valve Magnetics FloorSump C Primary CycloneUnderflowDistribution Gate C Primary CycloneUnderflow Screen CPrimary CycloneUnderflow ScreenChute CPrimary CycloneUnderflow ScreenFeedbox CPrimary CycloneUnderflow ScreenUnderpan C DMC Feed Sump ASample Point Dilute Medium SumpA Clarified WaterLevel Control Valve Primary DMC FeedSump A LevelControllerPrimary DMC FeedSump A LevelTransmitter TK3-8A AirIsolation Valve Correct MediumAddition Splitter A Correct MediumBleed Splitter A Correct MediumDistributor Box A Correct Medium Pump- A DMC A ClarifiedWater Make-Up FlowValve DMC A DensityControllerDMC A DensityTransmitter DMC Reject Gate Primary CycloneUnderflow Screen A Primary DMC FeedPump A Primary DenseMedium Cyclone A1 Primary DenseMedium Cyclone A2 Correct MediumAddition Splitter B Correct MediumBleed Splitter B Correct MediumDistributor Box B Correct Medium Pump- B DMC B DensityControllerDMC B DensityTransmitter Primary CycloneUnderflow Screen B Primary DMC FeedPump B Primary DMC FeedSump B Primary DenseMedium Cyclone B1 Primary DenseMedium Cyclone B2 Clean Coal ScreenFeed Distributor G1 Clean Coal ScreenFeed Distributor G2 Correct MediumAddition Splitter C Correct MediumBleed Splitter C Correct MediumDistribution Box C Correct Medium PumpC Inlet Valve Correct Medium SumpC Drain Valve Desliming ScreenClarified WaterFeed ValveDesliming ScreenDischarge Chute G Desliming Screen GDesliming ScreenUnderpan- GDesliming StaticScreen - G Desliming StaticScreen G BypassValve Desliming StaticScreen G Feed Valve Flotation Feed PumpC Flotation Feed PumpC Inlet Valve Flotation Feed SumpC Flotation Feed SumpC Drain Valve Lift Well Sump Lift Well Sump Pump Primary CycloneUnderflow ScreenClarified WaterFeed Valve Primary DMC FeedPump C Primary DMC FeedPump C Inlet Valve Primary DMC FeedSump C Primary DMC FeedSump C Drain Valve Primary DMC FeedSump C Feed ValvePrimary DMCOverflow Box C1Primary DMCOverflow Box C2Primary DMCUnderflow Box C3 Primary DenseMedium Cyclone C1 Primary DenseMedium Cyclone C2 Small Coal AreaFloor Sump Pump Sec. Correct MediumSump LevelControllerSecondary CorrectMedium Sump LevelTransmitter TK3-56 AirIsolation ValvePG-Sec DMC APG-Sec DMC C Sec. Correct MediumPump A DensityControl ValveSec. Correct MediumPump A DensityTransmitter Sec. Correct MediumPump A Inlet Valve Secondary CorrectMedium AdditionSplitter A Secondary CorrectMedium AdditionSplitter A ControlValve Secondary CorrectMedium BleedSplitter A Secondary CorrectMedium BleedSplitter A ControlValve Secondary CorrectMedium DistributionBox A Secondary CorrectMedium Pump A Secondary DMC FeedPump A Secondary DMC FeedSump ASecondary DMCOverflow Box A1Secondary DMCPressureTransmitterSecondary DMCProduct StatkScreen ASecondary DMCUnderflow Box A2 Secondary DenseMedium Cyclone A PU3-57C Drive Sec. Correct MediumPump C DensityControl Valve Sec. Correct MediumPump C DensityControllerSec. Correct MediumPump C DensityTransmitter Sec. Correct MediumPump C Inlet Valve Secondary CorrectMedium DistributionBox C Secondary CorrectMedium Pump A DrainValve Secondary CorrectMedium Pump C Secondary CorrectMedium Pump C DrainValve Secondary DMC FeedPump C Secondary DMC FeedPump C Inlet ValveSecondary DMC FeedPump PressureTransmitter Secondary DMC FeedSump C Secondary DMC FeedSump Drain Valve Secondary DMC FeedSump Feed Box C Secondary DMC FeedSump Plant Air FeedValveSecondary DMCOverflow Box C1Secondary DMCProduct StatkScreen CSecondary DMCUnderflow Box C2 Secondary DenseMedium Cyclone C Secondary DenseMedium CycloneInlet Press. Tx. SN3-51 Drive Sec. Product ScreenWater IsolatorSecondary ProductScreen Chute BlockDetector SN3-52 Drive Sec. Reject ScreenWater Isolator CF3-41A2 RotationDrive CF3-41A3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge A OilPressure Switch Centrifuge A OilPump CF3-41B2 RotationDrive CF3-41B3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge B OilPressure Switch Centrifuge B OilPump CF3-41C2 RotationDrive CF3-41C3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge C OilPressure Switch Centrifuge C OilPump CF3-41D2 RotationDrive CF3-41D3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge D OilPressure Switch Centrifuge D OilPump CF3-41E2 RotationDrive CF3-41E3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge E OilPressure Switch Centrifuge E OilPump CF3-41G2 RotationDrive CF3-41G3 VibratorDriveCentrifuge G OilPressure Switch Centrifuge G OilPump Magnetics FloorSump Pump A Magnetics FloorSump Pump B BPF Clarified WaterPump IsolationValve PU4-49 Drive Slimes TankUnderflow ADischarge FlowValve Slimes TankUnderflow BDischarge FlowValve PU4-74 Drive PU4-41A Drive PU4-41B DriveBPF A Air SupplyPressue SwitchBPF B Air SupplyPressue SwitchBPF-A Belt Drift -EastBPF-A Belt Drift -WestBPF-A Pull Wire -EastBPF-A Pull Wire -WestBPF-A SprayClarified WaterPressure Tx. BPF-A SprayClarified WaterValveBelt Press Filter A??Belt Press Filter ALevel TransmitterBelt Press FilterDischarge Chute ABelt Press Underpan- AFL4-50A WaterIsolation Valve FL4-53A DrivePG-BPF ABPF-B Belt Drift -EastBPF-B Belt Drift -WestBPF-B Pull Wire -EastBPF-B Pull Wire -WestBPF-B SprayClarified WaterPressure Tx. BPF-B SprayClarified WaterValveBelt Press Filter BLevel TransmitterBelt Press FilterDischarge Chute BBelt Press Underpan- B FL4-53B Drive Instrument AirIsolation BeltPress Filter B(BPFB) FL 4-50BPG-BPF B Slimes TankAgitatorSlimes Tank LevelTransmitter Slimes Tank OutletValve A Slimes Tank OutletValve BHBF-A MotorHBF B Belt SupportFan Pressure HBF B Cloth WaterFlow Valve HBF B Lube SystemHBF B Water SealFlow Switch 2 HBF B Water SealFlow ValveHBF-B Motor PU4-39A DriveTailings UnderflowPump A DensityTailings UnderflowPump A Gland SealFlowTailings UnderflowPump A InletValve PU4-39B DriveTailings UnderflowPump B DensityTailings UnderflowPump B Gland SealFlowTailings UnderflowPump B Inlet ValveConcentrateThickening CyclonesPG-TailingsThickener Tailings Floor Sump Tailings Floor SumpPump Tailings OversizePump Tailings OversizeScreenTailings OversizeScreen Feed Box Tailings OversizeSumpTailings SpiralClassifier Tailings ThickenerPump A Gland SealValveTailings ThickenerPump B Gland SealValve Tailings ThickenerSample Valve Tailings ThickenerTankTailings ThickeningCyclone Bank 1Tailings ThickeningCyclone Bank 2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV8-30.1Fire System Tank ALevel TransmitterFire System Tank BLevel Transmitter Bin 1 ClarifiedWater Mist SprayFeed Valve Bin 2 ClarifiedWater Mist SprayFeed Valve Bin 3 ClarifiedWater Mist SprayFeed Valve CV1-11 UnderpanClarified WaterFeed Valve CV1-5 UnderpanClarified WaterFeed Valve CV1-9 UnderpanClarified WaterFeed ValveFire Services PumpFresh Water InletFlow TransmitterFire Services PumpFresh Water OutletFlow PressureTransmitterFire Services PumpFresh Water OutletFlow Transmitter Fresh WaterIsolation BallValve to CV1-11Underpan Spray Fresh WaterIsolation FireServices PumpOutlet FlowPressureTransmitterPT1-33.1 Fresh WaterIsolation FireServices PumpOutlet FlowPressureTransmitter Valveat T-Off Fresh WaterIsolation Gate Vale Fresh WaterIsolation Pump 1-33Outlet Check Valve Fresh WaterIsolation Pump 1-33Outlet Gate Valve Fresh WaterIsolation StorageTnk 9-5 Gate ValveSupply Side PU1-33V0972Fresh Water RingMain Pressure Tx. Fire Services Pump Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier BypassValve Air Drier MainlineFilter Coarse Coal AirFilter A Coarse Coal AirFilter B Coarse Coal AirFilter IsolationValve Coarse Coal PlantAir Ring MainIsolation Valve Instrument AirDrier A Instrument AirDrier B Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter TowerIsolation BallValve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter Tower forLCV3-20B.1,LCV3-8B.1 &FV3-19B.1 Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump A Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52A.1 Instrument AirIsolation CationicFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation ClarifiedWater IsolationAddition IsolationBall Valve toFV5-2.1 Instrument AirIsolation FireSystem LevelControl ValveLCV8-30.1 on MainLine Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall ValveIntermediate Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall ValveIntermediate Valve Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationMiscellaneous atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings Spiral andScreen Feed ControlValves C FV4-32.4 &FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation Screen CClarified WaterIsolation Valve atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet ValveFV3-57A.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet and DrainValves FV3-57A.1 &FV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpContol ValvesFV3-56.1, FV3-57C.1& FV3-57C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor Valve FV3-2C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor Valve FV3-2C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor ValvesFV3-1A.1, FV3-1A.2,FV3-1C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB after T-OffIsolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation TailingsOversize ScreenSN4-34 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsValves at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1Intermediate Valve Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1 atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1088, V1149,V1150, V1185, V1807 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2848 Instrument AirIsolation at T-Offfor HBF Pumps A, B& C FV7-15 A.1, B.1& C.1 Instrument AirIsolation at T-Offto LCV4-27.1 CoalThickener SumpLevel Instrument AirIsolation forSlimes Tank Outflowand UnderflowFV4-41A.1 & .2FV4-41B.1 & .2 Instrument AirIsolation to BeltPress Filter A(BPFA) FL 4-50A Instrument Air RingMain IsolationValve Instrument Airisolation TailingsThickener UnderflowFlushing Valves atT-Off Plant Air Ring MainIsolation Valve Plant Air Ring MainIsolation at RotaryBreaker Pit Plant Air Ring MainIsolation to LubeUnit RB 1-6 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 DCV2-30.1 AirIsolation Valve DCV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve DV2-31.2 AirIsolation Valve FV 3-27C.3, FV3-27C.2, FV 3-27C.1& FV 3-26C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-21.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-21.2 AirIsolation Valve FV2-26.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-31.1 & FV2-30.1Air Isolation Valve FV2-33B.1 &FV2-33A.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-34.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-13G.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-13G.2 &FV2-26.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-16C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-19C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-21C.1,FV3-21C.1 &FV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-22C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-23C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-26A AirIsolation Valve FV3-29.1 & FV3-29.2Air Isolation Valve FV3-31A.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-31A.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-48C.1,FV3-49C.1 &FV3-49C.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-5G.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-67.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-8C.1, FV3-9C.1& FV3-9C.2 AirIsolation Valve FV4-2C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV4-2C.2 AirIsolation Valve Floatation AirFilter 1 Floatation AirFilter 2 HBF Air Filter 1 HBF Air Filter 2 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsCyclone InletControl Valves Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2,FCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-5.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV1.26.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV2-15.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-5.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-5.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-28.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-3A.1, FV4-3C.1,FV4-3B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.2,ZC4-60A.1,ZC4-60A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.2,ZC4-60B.1,ZC4-60B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.1,FV4-60C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.3,FV4-60C.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-11A.1,FV7-11B.1,FV7-11C.1, FV7-10.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-12.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-22A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-8A.1,LCV3-20A.1,FV3-20A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-46.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4AB.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0233, V0223 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0307 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1084 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1108 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1112,V1110, V2576 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1148, V1120, V1159 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1156 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1188, V1189,V1190, V1191 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1199, V1413 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1410 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1441 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2671 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2673 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2675 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2681 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2684 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2686 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2786 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2787, V2788 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2789, V2790 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791, V2792 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793, V2794 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2796, V2795 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2798 and FV4-51.1 LCV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.2 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.3 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-26A.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-8C.1 AirIsolation Valve Main Instrument AirIsolator PT27A.2 & PI8-27A.2Air Isolation Valve Primary InstrumentAir Isolation Valvefor V2574, V1063,V1064, V1800,V1061, V1062 SP-2008 Outletisolation valve andisolation forPSL4-60.1Compressed AirPressureTransmitterMagnetite Pit AirPressure Oil / WaterSeparator A Oil / WaterSeparator B Package AirCompressor 1 Package AirCompressor 2 Package AirCompressor 3Plant AirDistribution AirPressure Plant Air MainlineFilter Plant Air ReceiverA Plant Air ReceiverB Instrument AirInlet IsolationValve for DY8-27C Instrument AirOutlet IsolationValve for DY8-27C Instrument AirIsolation Valve forPV8-26CCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -EstopCoarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 1Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 2Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 3Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 4DT1-16 Bin 1Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 1Position 2IndicationDT1-16 Bin 2Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 2Position 2IndicationDT1-16 Bin 3Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 3Position 2Indication DT1-16 Drive Instrument AirIsolation OverdenseMedium SplitterBoInstrument AirIsolation ValvesCV3-28, DCV3-20A.1& DCV3-20B.1 PU2-31 Drive PU3-47 Drive DT6-3 Drive DV1-23 Drive A DV1-23 Drive BFine Coal PloughBin A MiddlePositionFine Coal PloughBin A NorthPositionFine Coal PloughBin A SouthPositionFine Coal PloughBin B NorthPositionFine Coal PloughBin B SouthPositionFine Coal PloughBin C MiddlePositionFine Coal PloughBin C SouthPositionFine Coal PloughMaintenancePosition CR6-80 DriveCoarse Sample GateClosed Limit SwitchCoarse Sample GateOpen Limit Switch SA6-11A Drive SA6-11B Drive CR6-11 Drive RC Transformer WB Transformer WC Transformer TX5-108 - WATransformer 1 WA Transformer 2 HV AUX Transformer Coal Thickener SumpLevel Control Valve AG4-16 Drive PU4-66A Drive PU4-63A DriveFiltrate Receiver ALevel Transmitter Filtrate ReceiverLevel Controller FN4-64A Drive PU4-47A Drive FL4-60A DriveHBF Feed Box AHBF-A Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-A Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-A Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-A Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-A Cloth WaterSpray ValveHBF-A ControlStation Estop HBF-A LevelControllerHBF-A LevelTransmitterHBF-A Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-A Pull Wire -East TopHBF-A Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-A Pull Wire -West Top PU4-62A Drive Filtrate Pump B Filtrate Receiver BLevel ControllerFiltrate Receiver BLevel Transmitter FN4-64B Drive PU4-47B Drive FL4-60B DriveHBF-B Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-B Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-B Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-B Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-B Estop HBF-B LevelControllerHBF-B LevelTransmitterHBF-B Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-B Pull Wire -East TopHBF-B Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-B Pull Wire -West Top PU4-62B Drive PU4-66C Drive PU4-63C Drive Filtrate Receiver CLevel ControllerFiltrate Receiver CLevel TransmitterHBF C FiltrateReciver High LevelSwitchHBF C FiltrateReciver Low LevelSwitch PU4-72C Drive PU4-47C Drive FL4-60C DriveHBF Feed Box CHBF-C Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-C Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-C Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-C Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-C Estop HBF-C LevelControllerHBF-C LevelTransmitterHBF-C Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-C Pull Wire -East TopHBF-C Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-C Pull Wire -West TopHBF C Vacuum PumpGland Water FlowSwitchHBF C Vacuum PumpSeal Water FlowSwitchHBF C Vacuum PumpSeal Water FlowValve Clarified WaterIsolation CheckValve for CV1-42Fire Deluge Floatation BlowerBypass ControlValve AG4-11 DriveConcentrateThickening CycloneDensity Controller PU4-12 Drive Flotation Bank-ATailings Sump LevelControllerFlotation Bank-ATailings Sump LevelTransmitter FB-A Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-A Primary AirFlow Transmitter FB-A Primary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator A1 Flotation CellAgitator A2 Flotation CellAgitator A3 FB-A Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-A Secondary AirFlow Transmitter FB-A Secondary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator A4 Flotation CellAgitator A5 Flotation CellAgitator A6 Flotation Bank-ATailing Sump LevelControl Valve FB-B Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-B Primary AirFlow Transmitter FB-B Primary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator B1 Flotation CellAgitator B2 Flotation CellAgitator B3 FB-B Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-B Secondary AirFlow Transmitter FB-B Secondary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator B4 Flotation CellAgitator B5 Flotation CellAgitator B6 FB-C Primary TankAir Isolator FB-C Secondary TankAir IsolatorFB-C Discharge FlowValve #1 SolenoidFB-C Discharge FlowValve #2 Solenoid FB-C Primary TankTailing OutletValve Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #1 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #2 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #3 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #4 Flotation Bank-CTailings Sump LevelControllerFlotation Bank-CTailings Sump LevelTransmitter Flotation TailingsPump A Flotation TailingsPump C Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C1 Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C2 Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C3 FB-C Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-C Primary AirFlow Transmitter Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator C1 Flotation CellAgitator C2 Flotation CellAgitator C3 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C4 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C5 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C6 FB-C Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-C Secondary AirFlow Transmitter Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator C4 Flotation CellAgitator C5 Flotation CellAgitator C6 FB-C Spray ControlIsolator FB-C Tailings SumpWater Isolator Flotation Bank-CSpray Flow ControlValve Flotation Bank-CTailing Sump LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed & SpiralControl ValvesFV32.1 & FV32.3 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed Control ValveC FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings SpiralControl Valve CFV4-32.4 AG7-3A Drive DV7-2D Drive Instrument AirIsolationFlocculant StorageTank Transfer ValveFV7-4.1 CV1-47 DriveRaw Coal StackingConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadRaw Coal StackingConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadRaw Coal StackingConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailRaw Coal StackingConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailRaw Coal StackingConveyor - BlockedChuteRaw Coal StackingConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadRaw Coal StackingConveyor - DriftOverride - TailRaw Coal StackingConveyor - EstopGTU GroundRaw Coal StackingConveyor - EstopGTU MezzamineRaw Coal StackingConveyor - PullWire - OWS HeadRaw Coal StackingConveyor - PullWire - OWS TailRaw Coal StackingConveyor - PullWire - WS HeadRaw Coal StackingConveyor - PullWire - WS Tail Raw Coal StackingConveyorWeightometer CV1-48 Drive Clarified WaterIsolation Valve forCV1-48Raw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BlockedChuteRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - Belt RipRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - BeltSlipRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - DriftOverride - TailRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - EstopGTU GroundRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - EstopGTU MezzamineRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - PullWire OWS HeadRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - PullWire OWS TailRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - PullWire WS HeadRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - PullWire WS Tail ROM VibratoryFeeder Door PowerPackRecieving PocketLevel LowReciving PocketLevel VF1-2 Drive VF1-2 Feeder CV1-8 Drive PP1-70 Drive CV1-45 Drive CV1-45 DustSuppression ValveCV1-45 Fire DelugeFlow Switch 1CV1-45 Fire DelugeFlow Switch 2CV1-45 SirenRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - WS MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - Belt RipRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BeltSlipRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - BlockedChuteRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - DriftOverride - MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - DriftOverride - TailRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - EstopGTU MezzamineRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire OWS HeadRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire OWS MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire OWS TailRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire WS HeadRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire WS Head-MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire WS MidRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire WS TailRaw Coal ReclaimConveyor - PullWire WS Tail-Mid Raw CoalWeightometer A Raw CoalWeightometer B Raw CoalWeightometer C DT1-49 DriveRaw Coal Stack OutTripper - Belt SlipRaw Coal Stack OutTripper - BlockedChuteRaw Coal Stack OutTripper - Estop 1Raw Coal Stack OutTripper - Estop 2Raw Coal Stack OutTripper - Estop 3Raw Coal Stack OutTripper PositionStockpile StackingWind Speed SensorZS1-49.1 Raw CoalStack Out Tripper -Belt DriftZS1-49.2 Raw CoalStack Out Tripper -Belt Drift - NA CV1-46 Drive CV1-46 DustSuppression ValveRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailRaw Coal TransferConveyor - Belt RipRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BeltSlipRaw Coal TransferConveyor - BlockedChuteRaw Coal TransferConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadRaw Coal TransferConveyor - DriftOverride - TailRaw Coal TransferConveyor - PullWire - OWS HeadRaw Coal TransferConveyor - PullWire - OWS TailRaw Coal TransferConveyor - PullWire - WS HeadRaw Coal TransferConveyor - PullWire - WS Tail CV1-7 Drive CV1-7 DustSuppression ValveRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Belt Drift -EastRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Belt Drift -WestRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Belt RipRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Belt SlipRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Blocked ChuteRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Drift Override -Tail2Rotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Field Start -Head2Rotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Field Stop - HeadRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Pull Wire HeadOWSRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Pull Wire Head WSRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Pull Wire TailOWSRotary BreakerDischarge Conveyor- Pull Wire Tail WSRotary DischargeConveyor - Siren CV1-6 DriveRotary BreakerOversize Belt Drift- NorthRotary BreakerOversize Belt Drift- SouthRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- Estop Head NorthRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- Estop Head NorthBundRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- Estop Head SouthRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- Estop Tail CSRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- SirenRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor- SirenRotary BreakerOversize Conveyor -Drift Override -Head2Rotary BreakerOversize Conveyor -Field Start - TailCS2Rotary BreakerOversize Conveyor -Field Stop - TailCS CV1-9 Drive CV1-9 DustSuppression ValveCV1-9 Fire DelugeFlow SwitchTrash Screen FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - EastTrash Screen FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WestTrash Screen FeedConveyor - Belt RipTrash Screen FeedConveyor - BlockedChuteTrash Screen FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailTrash Screen FeedConveyor - EstopHead WestTrash Screen FeedConveyor - EstopTail West2Trash Screen FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Trash Screen FeedConveyor - FieldStop - HeadTrash Screen FeedConveyor - PullWire - WS TailTrash Screen FeedConveyor - PullWire WS HeadTrash Screen FeedConveyor - SirenCoal Wash Hopper ALevelCoal Wash Hopper ATraffic LightCoal Wash Hopper BLevelCoal Wash Hopper BTraffic Light VF1-41A Drive VF1-41B Drive CV1-5 Drive CV1-5 DustSuppression ValveCV1-5 Fire DelugeFlow Switch 1CV1-5 Fire DelugeFlow Switch 2ROM Coal Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSROM Coal Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSROM Coal Conveyor -Belt RipROM Coal Conveyor -Belt SlipROM Coal Conveyor -Blocked Chute -NorthROM Coal Conveyor -Blocked Chute -SouthROM Coal Conveyor -Drift Override2ROM Coal Conveyor -Estop - Tail CS2ROM Coal Conveyor -Field Start - OWSHead2ROM Coal Conveyor -Field Start - Tail2ROM Coal Conveyor -Field Start - WSHead2ROM Coal Conveyor -Field Start - WSHead2ROM Coal Conveyor -Field Stop - HeadROM Coal Conveyor -Pull Wire - OWSTailROM Coal Conveyor -Pull Wire - OWSTail - MidROM Coal Conveyor -Pull Wire - WS HeadROM Coal Conveyor -Pull Wire - WS TailROM Coal Conveyor -SirenROM Coal ConveyorAsh Monitor ROM Coal ConveyorWeightometerRaw Coal Stack OutTripper - WindSpeed VF1-44C Drive VF1-44D DriveRaw Coal ReceivalHopper A LevelTransmitterRaw Coal ReceivalHopper A TrafficLightRaw Coal ReceivalHopper B LevelTransmitterRaw Coal ReceivalHopper B TrafficLightRaw Coal ReceivalHopper C TrafficLightRaw Coal ReceivalHopper CWeightometerRaw Coal ReceivalHopper D TrafficLightRaw Coal ReceivalHopper DWeightometer Desliming ScreenFeed Box A Desliming SieveBend A SN3-5A Drive Desliming ScreenFeed Box B Desliming SieveBend B SN3-5B Drive Desliming ScreenFeed Box C Desliming SieveBend C SN3-5C Drive Desliming ScreenFeed Box D Desliming SieveBend D SN3-5D Drive Desliming ScreenFeed Box E Desliming SieveBend E SN3-5E Drive Desliming ScreenFeed Box F Desliming SieveBend F SN3-5F Drive PU3-23A Drive SE3-25A Drive SE3-25B Drive Magnetite EffluentSplitter ControlVane Magnetite EffluentSplitter LevelController DMC B ClarifiedWater Make-Up FlowValve Secondary ODAddition ControlValve PU3-27A Drive Overdense MediumSump A Air Isolator Overdense MediumSump A LevelControllerOverdense MediumSump A LevelTransmitter PU3-23C Drive Dilute Mediaum SumpC Make-Up LevelControl Dilute Medium SumpC Level ControllerDilute Medium SumpC Level Transmitter FV3-22C.1 AirIsolation Valve SE3-25C Drive PU3-31 Drive PU3-27C DriveOverdense MediumSump C LevelTransmitter FV3-26C.1 AirIsolation Valve Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box A Clean Coal SieveBend A SN3-13A Drive Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box B Clean Coal SieveBend B SN3-13B Drive Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box C Clean Coal SieveBend C SN3-13C Drive Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box D Clean Coal SieveBend D SN3-13D Drive Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box E Clean Coal SieveBend E SN3-13E Drive Correct Medium SumpA Level ControllerCorrect Medium SumpA Level Transmitter Medium Sump A AirIsolator Correct Medium SumpB Level ControllerCorrect Medium SumpB Level Transmitter Dilute Medium SumpA Level ControllerDilute Medium SumpA Level Transmitter TK3-22A AirIsolation Valve PU7-11 DriveClean Coal Screen GChute BlockedSwitch Clean Coal ScreenFeed Box G Clean Coal SieveBend G SN3-13G Drive PU3-21C Drive SE3-25D Drive Correct Medium SumpC Level ControllerCorrect Medium SumpC Level TransmitterMagnetics FloorSump C Level HighSwitchMagnetics FloorSump C Level LowSwitch Magnetics FloorSump Pump C Primary CycloneUnderflowDistribution Gate CControl ValvePrimary CycloneU/Flow Screen CBlocked Switch SN3-16C Drive Feed Sump A LevelControl Valve Feed DMC Sump ALevel Control Valve PU3-21A Drive DMC A Reject FLVGateDMC Reject Proxmity SN3-16A Drive PU3-9A Drive Primary DMC A FeedPressure ControlDense MediumCyclone Pressure TxA1Primary DenseMedium CyclonePressure Ctrl. ADense MediumCyclone Pressure TxA2Primary DenseMedium CyclonePressure Ctrl. B Feed Sump B LevelControl Valve Feed DMC Sump BLevel Control Valve PU3-21B Drive SN3-16B Drive PU3-9B Drive Primary DMC B FeedPressure Control Primary DMC FeedSump B LevelControllerPrimary DMC FeedSump B LevelTransmitterDense MediumCyclone Pressure TxB1Dense MediumCyclone Pressure TxB2 Correct MediumAddition Splitter CControl Valve Correct MediumBleed Splitter 19CPosition Controller Correct MediumBleed Splitter CControl ValveCorrect MediumDistribution LevelTransmitterDesliming Screen GChute BlockedSwitch SN3-5G Drive PU4-2C DriveFlotation Feed SumpC Level TransmitterFlotation Feed SumpOversize ProtectionScreen CCoarse Coal LiftSump Level HighSwitchCoarse Coal LiftSump Level LowSwitch PU2-41 Drive PU3-9C Drive Primary DMC FeedSump C LevelControllerPrimary DMC FeedSump C LevelTransmitterPrimary DenseMedium Cyclone C1PressureTransmitter Primary DenseMedium Cyclone C2Pressure ControllerPrimary DenseMedium Cyclone C2PressureTransmitter PU3-29 Drive Instrument AirIsolation Valve forDCV3-56A.1 Sec. Correct MediumPump A DensityController Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57A.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect MediumAddition Splitter AControl ValveLCV3-48A.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect MediumBleed Splitter AControl ValveLCV3-56.1 PU3-57A Drive PU3-49A Drive Secondary DMC FeedSump A LevelControllerSecondary DMC FeedSump A LevelTransmitter TK3-48A AirIsolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57C.1Secondary CorrectMedium DistributionBox C LevelTransmitter Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-57C.2 PU3-49C Drive Sec. DMC Feed SumpBox LevelControllerSecondary DMC FeedSump LevelTransmitter FV3-48C.1 AirIsolation Valve PU3-41A1 Pump Drive PU3-41B1 Pump Drive PU3-41C1 Pump Drive PU3-41D1 Pump Drive PU3-41E1 Pump Drive PU3-41G1 Pump DriveMagnetics FloorSump Pump A LevelController PU3-45 DriveMagnetics FloorSump Pump B LevelController PU3-43 DriveBPF A DischargeChute BlockedSwitch Instrument AirIsolation BPF-BSpray ClarifiedWater IsolationValve FV4-50B.1 &BPF Lube PumpPU4-75 AG4-40 DriveBPF-A ControlStation EstopBPF-A Pull Wire -Tail DSBPF-A Pull Wire -Tail FrontBPF-A Pull Wire -Tail NDSHBF B Lube SystemPressure Low PU4-75 DriveBPF-B ControlStation EstopBPF-B ControlStation Estop 2BPF-B Pull Wire -Tail DSBPF-B Pull Wire -Tail FrontBPF-B Pull Wire -Tail NDS Coal ConcentrateThickening CycloneA Coal ConcentrateThickening CycloneB Coal ConcentrateThickening CycloneC Coal ConcentrateThickening CycloneDPG-Coal Cyclones PU4-43 Drive PU4-35 Drive FB-C Spray #2Isolation Valve SN4-34 Drive Tailings Cyclone EInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone GInlet Control Valve Tailings OversizeScreen FB Spray Clarified WaterIsolation Valve forSE4-36 SE4-36 Drive Tailings SpiralClassifier DrainValve Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener SampleValve FV4-32.2 &Clarometer AT4-38.1Tailings ThickenerClarometerTailings ThickenerFanTailings ThickenerForward ValveTailings ThickenerFully LoweredTailings ThickenerFully RaisedTailings ThickenerLevelTailings ThickenerPressureTransmitter Tailings ThickenerRake Drive AgitatorTailings ThickenerRake HeightTailings ThickenerRake Height LowerValveTailings ThickenerRake Height RaiseValveTailings ThickenerReverse ValveTailings UnderflowA Discharge ValveTailings UnderflowB Discharge ValvePG-Tailing CyclonesA - DTailings CycloneBank A InletPressure Tx Tailings ThickeningCyclone A Tailings ThickeningCyclone B Tailings ThickeningCyclone C Tailings ThickeningCyclone DPG-Tailing CyclonesE - H Tailings ThickeningCyclone E Tailings ThickeningCyclone F Tailings ThickeningCyclone G Tailings ThickeningCyclone H Fresh WaterIsolation Gate Valeto Mist Sprays Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forFV1-11.2 Fresh WaterIsolation BallValve to CV1-5Underpan Spray Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forFV1-9.2Safety Shower 001 PU1-33 Drive Air Drier ADownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier A ReliefValve Air Drier BDownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier B ReliefValve CM8-23 Drive Pkg Air Compressor1 Isolation Valve CM8-24 Drive Pkg Air Compressor2 Isolation Valve CM8-25 Drive Pkg Air Compressor3 Isolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation Plant AirDistribution AirPressure PT8-27B.1 Receiver 1 InletIsolation Valve Receiver 2 InletIsolation Valve PU4-63B Drive AG4-4A1 Drive AG4-4A2 Drive AG4-4A3 Drive AG4-4A4 Drive AG4-4A5 Drive AG4-4A6 Drive AG4-4B1 Drive AG4-4B2 Drive AG4-4B3 Drive AG4-4B4 Drive AG4-4B5 Drive AG4-4B6 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #1 & #2FV4-4C.2 & FV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #3 & #4FV4-4C.4 & FV4-4C.5Floatation TailingsA DensityController PU4-31A DriveFloatation TailingsC Density PU4-31C Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFCV4-4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4_4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.2 AG4-4C1 Drive AG4-4C2 Drive AG4-4C3 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valve FV4-4C.2 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.4 AG4-4C4 Drive AG4-4C5 Drive AG4-4C6 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFV4-4C.1 PP1-36 DriveDesliming StaticScreen Valve ADesliming StaticScreen Valve BDesliming StaticScreen Valve CDesliming StaticScreen Valve DDesliming StaticScreen Valve EDesliming StaticScreen Valve FClean Coal SieveBend A ValveClean Coal SieveBend B ValveClean Coal SieveBend C ValveClean Coal SieveBend D ValveClean Coal SieveBend E Valve Instrument AirIsolation CleanCoal Sieve Bend ESI3-12EClean Coal SieveBend F Valve Correct Medium SumpC Level ControlValve PU3-46 DriveFeed Sump A LevelControl I/PFeed DMC Sump ALevel IPFeed Sump B LevelIPFeed DMC Sump BLevel IP ConcentrateThickening CycloneA Inlet Valve ConcentrateThickening CycloneB Inlet Valve ConcentrateThickening CycloneC Inlet Valve ConcentrateThickening CycloneD Inlet Valve Instrument AirIsolation TailingsThickener RakeHeight Raise ValveFV4-38.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forTailings ThickenerUnderflow FlushingValves Tailings Cyclone AInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone BInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone CInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone DInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone FInlet Control Valve Tailings Cyclone HInlet Control Valve Instrument AirIsolationConcentrateThickening CycloneInlet ValvesFV4-13A.1, 13B.1,13C.1 & 13D.1InsideContains