Coarse Coal Feed Location Diagram

Coal Washery / Coarse Coal Feed

LocationCoal WasheryCoarse CoalCoarse Coal Feed Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B Coarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox Coarse Coal SizingScreenCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChuteCoarse Coal SizingScreen Feed Box Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxBypass Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxFeed Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed ValveCoarse Coal SizingScreen UnderpanDense Medium DrumDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteDense Medium DrumReject Chute Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter ControlValveCorrect MediumSplitter Valve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A ControlValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B ControlValveCoarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox LevelTransmitter SN2-21 DriveCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChute BlockageDetectorCoarse Coal SizingScreen Level High B Fine Coal to LowerFB2-21 IsolationValve Fine Coal to UpperFB2-21 IsolationValveDense Medium DrumLevel TransmitterDense Medium DrumSpeed Sensor SE2-22 DriveDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteBlockage DetectorDense Medium DrumReject ChuteBlockage DetectorInsideContains