Coarse Coal Location Diagram

Coal Washery / Coarse Coal

LocationCoal WasheryCoarse CoalCoarse CoalConveyorsCoarse Coal DrainCoarse Coal Feed Coarse Coal Bin A Coarse Coal Bin B Coarse Coal Bin C Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor Coarse CoalConveyor Over-BeltMagnetCoarse CoalDischarge Chute Coarse Coal FeedConveyor Coarse Coal FeedWeightometerCoarse Coal PloughCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A Coarse Coal SamplerConveyor B Coarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A Coarse CoalTransfer Conveyor B Coarse Coal CorrectMedium DensityControllerCoarse Coal CorrectMedium DensityTransmitter Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Pump InletValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump Coarse Coal CorrectMedium SumpClarified WaterFeed Valve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump DrainValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump PlantAir Feed ValveCoarse Coal CrusherCoarse Coal CrusherDischarge Chute Coarse Coal ProductScreenCoarse Coal ProductScreen ProductDischarge ChuteCoarse Coal ProductScreen RejectDischarge ChuteCoarse Coal ProductScreen UnderpanCoarse Coal ProductStatic Screen Coarse RejectsScreen Coarse RejectsScreen ClarifiedWater Feed ValveCoarse RejectsScreen DischargeChute ACoarse RejectsScreen DischargeChute BCoarse RejectsScreen Feed Launder/ BoxCoarse RejectsScreen UnderpanCrusher DustCollectorDust CollectorIntake Chute Magnetics FloorSump D Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B Coarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox Coarse Coal SizingScreenCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChuteCoarse Coal SizingScreen Feed Box Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxBypass Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed BoxFeed Valve Coarse Coal SizingScreen Feed ValveCoarse Coal SizingScreen UnderpanDense Medium DrumDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteDense Medium DrumReject ChuteCoase Coal Bin ALevel TransmitterCoase Coal Bin BLevel TransmitterCoase Coal Bin CLevel Transmitter CV1-15 DriveCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Belt Drift - EastCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Belt Drift - WestCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Drift Override -TailCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Estop Head Ctl StnCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Estop Head GTU CtlStn2Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Field Start - Head2Coarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Field Stop - HeadCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire EastMidwayCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire EastSouthCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire WestMidwayCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -Pull Wire WestNorthCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -SirenCoarse Coal BinTripperCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor- Blocked Chute Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forCV1-15 CV1-20 DriveCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BlockedChute CV1-18 DriveCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - Belt RipCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHead - GTUCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl Stn2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS HeadCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS Tail (B)Coarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS Head-MidCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS MidCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - PullWire WS TailCoarse Coal FeedConveyor - SirenCoarse Coal PloughBin A MiddlePositionCoarse Coal PloughBin A NorthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin A SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin B NorthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin B SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughBin C MiddlePositionCoarse Coal PloughBin C SouthPositionCoarse Coal PloughMaintenancePosition DV1-17 Drive A DV1-17 Drive B CV6-11A DriveCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A - PullWireCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor A - PullWire CV6-11B DriveCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor B - PullWireCoarse Coal SamplerConveyor B - PullWire CV1-13 DriveCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Belt Drift -SouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Belt SlipCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Drift Override- TailCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Estop TailNorth2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Field Start -Head2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Field Stop -HeadCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire HeadNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire HeadSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire TailNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorA - Pull Wire TailSouthCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A- Belt Drift -NorthCoarse CoalTransfer Conveyor A- Siren Fresh WaterIsolation Valve forCV1-13 CV1-14 DriveCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Belt Drift -NorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Belt Drift -SouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Blocked ChuteCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Blocked Chute 1Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Drift Override- TailCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Estop TailSouth2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Field Start -Head2Coarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Field Stop -HeadCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire HeadNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire HeadSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire TailNorthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Pull Wire TailSouthCoarse CoalTransfer ConveyorB - Siren A Module DensityControl Valve B Module DensityControl Valve Overdense MediumSplitter BoxControl Valve #2 Coarse Coal CorrectMedium PumpCoarse Coal CorrectMedium Sump LevelTransmitter FV2-30.1 IsolationValve CR2-25 DriveCoarse Coal CrusherHome LimitCoarse Coal CrusherSpeed Sensor SN2-24 DriveCoarse Coal ProductScreen Chute ABlockage DetectorCoarse Coal ProductScreen Chute BBlockage DetectorCoarse RejectsChute BlockageDetector SN2-26 Drive Clarified WaterIsolation Make-UpPU6-24 InstrumentAir Isolation toTank SN2-26 DC2-29 DriveDust CollectorDifferentialPressureTransmitterMagnetics FloorSump D Level HighSwitchMagnetics FloorSump D Level LowSwitch Magnetics FloorSump Pump D Coarse Coal CorrectMedium BleedSplitter ControlValveCorrect MediumSplitter Valve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter A ControlValve Coarse Coal CorrectMedium By-PassSplitter B ControlValveCoarse Coal CorrectMedium DistributorBox LevelTransmitter SN2-21 DriveCoarse Coal SizingScreen DischargeChute BlockageDetectorCoarse Coal SizingScreen Level High B Fine Coal to LowerFB2-21 IsolationValve Fine Coal to UpperFB2-21 IsolationValveDense Medium DrumLevel TransmitterDense Medium DrumSpeed Sensor SE2-22 DriveDense Medium DrumProduct ChuteBlockage DetectorDense Medium DrumReject ChuteBlockage DetectorCoarse Coal BinFeed Conveyor -EstopCoarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 1Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 2Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 3Coarse Coal TripperBearing TemperatureNo 4DT1-16 Bin 1Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 1Position 2IndicationDT1-16 Bin 2Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 2Position 2IndicationDT1-16 Bin 3Position 1IndicationDT1-16 Bin 3Position 2Indication DT1-16 Drive Instrument AirIsolation OverdenseMedium SplitterBoInstrument AirIsolation ValvesCV3-28, DCV3-20A.1& DCV3-20B.1 PU2-31 Drive PU3-47 DriveInsideContains