Overall Natural Gas Flowmeter

Overall Natural Gas Flowmeter is part of the Gas System

The Equipment Reference Number for this asset is FT09


A natural gas flowmeter accurately measures the flow rate of natural gas used in the coating process. This allows for precise control of the gas flow, ensuring efficient and effective coating of the metal.

It calculates the overall flow of gas to each of the gas-using components within the paint line, including the Prime Oven, Finish Oven and Drying Oven.


The natural gas flowmeter consists of several components that work together to accurately measure the gas flow. These components include:

  • Sensor: The sensor is the primary component of the flowmeter, responsible for measuring the gas flow. It is typically a differential pressure sensor that measures the difference in pressure between two points in the gas flow.
  • Transmitter: The transmitter receives the signal from the sensor and converts it into a digital output. It also amplifies the signal and sends it to the control system.
  • Valves: The valves are used to control the gas flow rate based on the measurements from the flowmeter.
  • Piping: The flowmeter is installed in the gas piping system, allowing for the measurement of gas flow.


The natural gas flowmeter operates based on the principle of differential pressure. As the gas flows through the pipe, it creates a pressure difference between two points. The sensor measures this difference and sends a signal to the transmitter. The transmitter then sends the signal to the control system, which calculates the flow rate based on the pressure difference.

The control system then sends a signal to the valves down-stream, which adjusts the gas flow rate to maintain a constant pressure difference. This ensures a consistent and accurate flow of gas through the metal coating line.


It is sent gas from Natural Gas Pressure Sensor and sends gas to Prime Oven Gas Isolator, Finish Oven Gas Isolator, Cleaning Gas Isolator and Drying Oven Gas Isolator (along the Natural Gas relationship)


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