Fine Coal Location Diagram

Coal Washery / Fine Coal

LocationCoal WasheryFine Coal ??? Is this TK4-1CCoal ThickenerCoal ThickeningFiltrationFine CoalConcentrateThickenerFine Coal Conveyors Floatation AreaFloor SumpFlotation Flotation AreaFloor Sump PumpFlotation FeedPG-TK4-1Tailings ThickenerPG-Coal Thickener Coal ThickenerOverflow Pump Coal ThickenerOverflow Sump Coal Thickener RakeDrive A Coal Thickener RakeDrive BCoal Thickener RakeLift Coal Thickener Tank Coal ThickenerUnderflow Pump A Coal ThickenerUnderflow Pump BPG-TK4-27 Coal ThickenerAgitator Filter Feed Sump HBF Cloth Wash Pump HBF ProductConveyorHBF-AHBF-BHBF-CCoal ConcentrateCyclone OverflowBoxCoal ConcentrateCyclone UnderflowBoxConcentrate CycloneDistributorPressure Tx ConcentrateThickening CycloneDistributorThickening CycloneSample ControlValve Thickening CyclonesPressure Controller Coalwash Bin Coalwash Conveyor Fine Coal Bin A Fine Coal Bin B Fine Coal Bin C Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor Fine Coal ConveyorOver-Belt Magnet Fine CoalDistributor Gate Fine Coal FeedConveyor Fine Coal FeedDistributor GatePower Pack Fine Coal FeedTransfer ConveyorFine Coal ProductDump Primary SizingScreen A Primary SizingScreen B Sizing Screens FeedConveyor Sizing Screens FeedGateFlotation BlowerOver-Pressure Valve Flotation BlowerPressure ControlValve Flotation CellBlower FlotationConcentrate Sump Flotation Tank A Flotation Tank B Flotation Tank CPG-FN4-5PG-TK4-30A&C PU4-44 Drive Floatation FeedSump A LevelControl Valve Floatation FeedSump B LevelControl Valve Flotation Feed PumpA Flotation Feed PumpB Flotation Feed SumpA Flotation Feed SumpBSand ScreenOversize Chute TailingsClassifying CycloneFeed Box TailingsClassifying CycloneOverflow BoxTailings CycloneUnderflow DischargeChute ATailings CycloneUnderflow DischargeChute C PU4-28 Drive Coal Thickener SumpLevel ControlCoal Thickener SumpLevel Transmitter Clarified WaterIsolation Valve forDV4-14C DV4-14C DriveCoal ThickenerClarometerCoal ThickenerFully LoweredCoal ThickenerFully RaisedCoal Thickener RakeHeight Coal Thickener TankWater IsolatorCoal ThickenerTorque ACoal ThickenerTorque BCoal Thickener WeirFlow TransmitterCoal ThickenerOverflow A DensityTransmitter PU4-15A DriveCoal ThickenerOverflow B DensityTransmitter PU4-15B Drive AG4-14 Drive A AG4-14 Drive B Filter Feed SumpAgitatorFilter Feed SumpLevel Transmitter PU5-3C Drive CV4-46 DriveHBF ProductConveyor - Belt RipHBF ProductConveyor - BlockedChuteHBF ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadHBF ProductConveyor - DriftOverride - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStop - Head2HBF ProductConveyor - FieldStop - TailHBF ProductConveyor - HeadWalk Side PullwireHBF ProductConveyor - TailWalk Side PullwireHBF ProductConveyor Belt Drift- Tail NWSHBF ProductConveyor Belt Drift- Tail WSHBF ProductConveyor Estop -Head Ctl Stn Cloth Wash ReturnPump A Cloth Wash ReturnSump A Filtrate Pump A Filtrate Receiver AHBF A Belt SupportFan PressureHBF A ClarifiedWater to UnderpanSprayHBF A Water SealFlow Switch 1HBF A Water SealFlow Switch 2 HBF A Water SealFlow Valve HBF Belt SupportFan A HBF Feed Pump A HBF-A Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-A Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter APG-HBF A Vacuum Pump A Filtrate Receiver BHBF B ClarifiedWater to UnderpanSprayHBF B Water SealFlow Switch 1 HBF Belt SupportFan BHBF Feed Box B HBF Feed Pump B HBF-B Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-B Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter BPG-HBF B Vacuum Pump B Cloth Wash ReturnPump C Cloth Wash ReturnSump C Filtrate Pump C Filtrate Receiver C HBF C Belt WashFlow ValveHBF C ClarifiedWater to Belt WashSprayHBF C ClarifiedWater to Cloth WashSpray HBF C ClothTracking EastSolenoid Valve HBF C ClothTracking ExhaustSolenoid Valve HBF C ClothTracking WestSolenoid Valve HBF C Cloth WashFlow ValveHBF C Cloth WashSpeed SwitchHBF C Fresh WaterSupply to Head DrumWash HBF C Lube SystemHBF C Tracking AirSupply HBF C Water SealFlow ValveHBF C Water SealSwitch 1HBF C Water SealSwitch 2HBF C Water SealSwitch 3HBF C Water SealSwitch 4HBF C Water SealSwitch 5HBF C Water SealSwitch 6 HBF Feed Pump CHBF-C Coking CoalChute HBF-C Fresh WaterFlow Valve Isolator HBF-C Fresh WaterIsolator HBF-C Fresh WaterValve Horizontal BeltFilter CPG-HBF C Vacuum Pump C Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1Coal Wash BinWeightCV1-42 ClarifiedWater Feed FlowSwitch CV1-42 DriveCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSHeadCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - OWSTailCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSHeadCoalwash Conveyor -Belt Drift - WSTailCoalwash Conveyor -Belt RipCoalwash Conveyor -Belt SlipCoalwash Conveyor -Blocked ChuteCoalwash Conveyor -Drift Override -HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Drift Override -TailCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS TailCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS MidCoalwash Conveyor -Pull Wire WS TailFine Coal Bin AHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin ALevel TransmitterFine Coal Bin BHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin BLevel TransmitterFine Coal Bin CHigh Level SwitchFine Coal Bin CLevel Transmitter CV1-21 DriveFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BrakeLiftedFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead - GTU2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - FieldStop - HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Head EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Head WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Midway EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Midway WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Tail EastFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire Tail WestFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - Siren Fine Coal BinsWeightometer CV1-28 Drive CV1-26 DriveCV1-26 Fire DelugeFlow SwitchFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BeltSlipFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - BlockedChuteFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopGTUFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl StnFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - EstopHead Mot SideFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - Estop WSHeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS MidFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire OWS TailFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - PullWire WS Midway2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StartTail Ctl StnFine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StopHead Ctl Stn2Fine Coal Bins FeedConveyor - StopTail Ctl StnFine Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - HeadFine Coal FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - Tail2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Tail2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - Head2Fine Coal FeedConveyor - FieldStop - TailFine Coal FeedConveyor - Siren Fine Coal FeedWeightometerRaw Coal Stack OutConveyor - Belt Rip PP1-72 Drive CV1-29 DriveFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -OWS Mid Belt DriftFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -WS Mid Belt DriftFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Belt RipFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Belt SlipFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Blocked ChuteFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Drift Override -TailFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Estop Hed Ctl Stn2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Jog - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Jog - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Start - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Start - Tail2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Stop - Head2Fine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Field Stop - TailFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire OWS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS HeadFine Coal Bins FeedTransfer Conveyor -Pull Wire WS Tail Fine Coal FeedTransferWeightometer SN1-12A Drive SN1-12B Drive CV1-11 DriveCV1-11 Fire DelugeFlow Switch CV1-11 Fire DustSuppression ValveSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - OWSSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltDrift - WSSizing Screens FeedConveyor - Belt RipSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BeltSlipSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BlockedChuteSizing Screens FeedConveyor - BrakeLiftedSizing Screens FeedConveyor - DriftOverride - TailSizing Screens FeedConveyor - EstopHead Ctl Stn2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - EstopTail Ctl Stn2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Head2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStart - Midway2Sizing Screens FeedConveyor - FieldStop - HeadSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS HeadSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS MidSizing Screens FeedConveyor - PullWire WS TailSizing Screens FeedConveyor - Siren Sizing Screens FeedWeightometer FN4-5 DriveFloatation BlowerPressureTransmitter Flotation BlowerPressure Controller Concentrate SumpAgitator ConcentrateThickening CycloneFeed Pump FB-C Conc. RecircLine Sample Point FB-C Conc. RecircLine Sample Valve FB-C Conc. SumpSample Point FB-C Conc. SumpSample ValveFlotation Bank-CConc. Sump LevelTransmitter FB-A FlotationTailings Sump FB-A Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-A Primary Tank FB-A Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-A Secondary TankFB-A Water System Flotation A InletFlow ValveFlotation ATurbidity Meter Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelController Flotation Tank ASpray ValvePG-Flotation A1PG-Flotation A2PG-Flotation A3 FB-B Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-B Primary Tank FB-B Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-B Secondary Tank Floatation B SprayWater Valve Flotation B InletFlow ValveFlotation BTurbidity Meter Flotation Bank BSpray Valve Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControllerPG-Flotation B1PG-Flotation B2PG-Flotation B3FB-C Air SystemFB-C Cell OutletsFB-C Cell Outlets FB-C ConcentrateSample Point #1 FB-C FlotationTailings Sump FB-C Primary AirFlow ControllerFB-C Primary Tank FB-C Secondary AirFlow ControllerFB-C Secondary TankFB-C Water System Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelController Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelController Flotation C InletFlow Valve Flotation C SprayWater ValveFlotation CTurbidity MeterPG-Flotation C1PG-Flotation C2PG-Flotation C3 PU4-2A Drive PU4-2B DriveFloation Feed SumpA Level Transmitter Flotation Feed SumpA Level ControlFlotation Feed SumpOversize ProtectionScreen AFloation Feed SumpB Level Transmitter Flotation Feed SumpB Level ControlFlotation Feed SumpOversize ProtectionScreen B Tailings OversizeChute WaterIsolator BTailings CycloneBank B InletPressure Tx Tailings ClassifierSample Point Tailings ClassifierSample Valve Thickener Feed BoxIsolator Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve A Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve A Oversize TailingsScreen Feed ControlValve C Oversize TailingsSpiral ControlValve C Coal Thickener SumpLevel Control Valve AG4-16 Drive PU4-66A Drive PU4-63A DriveFiltrate Receiver ALevel Transmitter Filtrate ReceiverLevel Controller FN4-64A Drive PU4-47A Drive FL4-60A DriveHBF Feed Box AHBF-A Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-A Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-A Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-A Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-A Cloth WaterSpray ValveHBF-A ControlStation Estop HBF-A LevelControllerHBF-A LevelTransmitterHBF-A Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-A Pull Wire -East TopHBF-A Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-A Pull Wire -West Top PU4-62A Drive Filtrate Pump B Filtrate Receiver BLevel ControllerFiltrate Receiver BLevel Transmitter FN4-64B Drive PU4-47B Drive FL4-60B DriveHBF-B Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-B Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-B Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-B Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-B Estop HBF-B LevelControllerHBF-B LevelTransmitterHBF-B Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-B Pull Wire -East TopHBF-B Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-B Pull Wire -West Top PU4-62B Drive PU4-66C Drive PU4-63C Drive Filtrate Receiver CLevel ControllerFiltrate Receiver CLevel TransmitterHBF C FiltrateReciver High LevelSwitchHBF C FiltrateReciver Low LevelSwitch PU4-72C Drive PU4-47C Drive FL4-60C DriveHBF Feed Box CHBF-C Belt DriftSwitch - EastHBF-C Belt DriftSwitch - WestHBF-C Cloth DriftSwitch - EastHBF-C Cloth DriftSwitch - WestHBF-C Estop HBF-C LevelControllerHBF-C LevelTransmitterHBF-C Pull Wire -East BottomHBF-C Pull Wire -East TopHBF-C Pull Wire -West BottomHBF-C Pull Wire -West TopHBF C Vacuum PumpGland Water FlowSwitchHBF C Vacuum PumpSeal Water FlowSwitchHBF C Vacuum PumpSeal Water FlowValve Clarified WaterIsolation CheckValve for CV1-42Fire Deluge Floatation BlowerBypass ControlValve AG4-11 DriveConcentrateThickening CycloneDensity Controller PU4-12 Drive Flotation Bank-ATailings Sump LevelControllerFlotation Bank-ATailings Sump LevelTransmitter FB-A Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-A Primary AirFlow Transmitter FB-A Primary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-APrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator A1 Flotation CellAgitator A2 Flotation CellAgitator A3 FB-A Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-A Secondary AirFlow Transmitter FB-A Secondary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-ASecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator A4 Flotation CellAgitator A5 Flotation CellAgitator A6 Flotation Bank-ATailing Sump LevelControl Valve FB-B Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-B Primary AirFlow Transmitter FB-B Primary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-BPrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator B1 Flotation CellAgitator B2 Flotation CellAgitator B3 FB-B Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-B Secondary AirFlow Transmitter FB-B Secondary TankAir Isolator Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-BSecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator B4 Flotation CellAgitator B5 Flotation CellAgitator B6 FB-C Primary TankAir Isolator FB-C Secondary TankAir IsolatorFB-C Discharge FlowValve #1 SolenoidFB-C Discharge FlowValve #2 Solenoid FB-C Primary TankTailing OutletValve Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #1 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #2 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #3 Flotation Bank-CDischarge FlowValve #4 Flotation Bank-CTailings Sump LevelControllerFlotation Bank-CTailings Sump LevelTransmitter Flotation TailingsPump A Flotation TailingsPump C Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C1 Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C2 Blower AirIsolation forAG4-4C3 FB-C Primary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-C Primary AirFlow Transmitter Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-CPrimary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator C1 Flotation CellAgitator C2 Flotation CellAgitator C3 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C4 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C5 Blower AirIsolation Valve forAG4-4C6 FB-C Secondary AirAgitation FlowControl ValveFB-C Secondary AirFlow Transmitter Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #1 Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelControl Valve #2Flotation Bank-CSecondary LevelTransmitter Flotation CellAgitator C4 Flotation CellAgitator C5 Flotation CellAgitator C6 FB-C Spray ControlIsolator FB-C Tailings SumpWater Isolator Flotation Bank-CSpray Flow ControlValve Flotation Bank-CTailing Sump LevelControl Valve Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed & SpiralControl ValvesFV32.1 & FV32.3 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings ScreenFeed Control ValveC FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings SpiralControl Valve CFV4-32.4 PU4-63B Drive AG4-4A1 Drive AG4-4A2 Drive AG4-4A3 Drive AG4-4A4 Drive AG4-4A5 Drive AG4-4A6 Drive AG4-4B1 Drive AG4-4B2 Drive AG4-4B3 Drive AG4-4B4 Drive AG4-4B5 Drive AG4-4B6 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #1 & #2FV4-4C.2 & FV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valves #3 & #4FV4-4C.4 & FV4-4C.5Floatation TailingsA DensityController PU4-31A DriveFloatation TailingsC Density PU4-31C Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFCV4-4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4_4C.1 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C PrimaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.2 AG4-4C1 Drive AG4-4C2 Drive AG4-4C3 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C DischargeFlow Valve FV4-4C.2 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#1 LCV4-4C.3 Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C SecondaryLevel Control Valve#2 LCV4-4C.4 AG4-4C4 Drive AG4-4C5 Drive AG4-4C6 Drive Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank-C Spray FlowControl ValveFV4-4C.1InsideContains