Instrument Air System Location Diagram

Coal Washery / Instrument Air

LocationCoal WasheryUtilitiesInstrument AirSystemAir SupplyInstrument AirDistributionInstrument AirSupply Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier A AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #1 Air Drier B AirIsolation Valve #2 Air Drier BypassValve Air Drier MainlineFilter Coarse Coal AirFilter A Coarse Coal AirFilter B Coarse Coal AirFilter IsolationValve Coarse Coal PlantAir Ring MainIsolation Valve Instrument AirDrier A Instrument AirDrier B Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter TowerIsolation BallValve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation B SideSplitter Tower forLCV3-20B.1,LCV3-8B.1 &FV3-19B.1 Instrument AirIsolation BPF FeedPump A Fresh WaterFeed ValveFV4-52A.1 Instrument AirIsolation CationicFV4-56A.1 &FV4-56B.1 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation ClarifiedWater IsolationAddition IsolationBall Valve toFV5-2.1 Instrument AirIsolation FireSystem LevelControl ValveLCV8-30.1 on MainLine Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall ValveIntermediate Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall ValveIntermediate Valve Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation FlotationBank C at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationMiscellaneous atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation OversizeTailings Spiral andScreen Feed ControlValves C FV4-32.4 &FV4-32.5 Instrument AirIsolation Screen CClarified WaterIsolation Valve atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet ValveFV3-57A.1 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpA Inlet and DrainValves FV3-57A.1 &FV3-57A.2 Instrument AirIsolation SecondaryCorrect Medium PumpContol ValvesFV3-56.1, FV3-57C.1& FV3-57C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor Valve FV3-2C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor Valve FV3-2C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Secondaryfor ValvesFV3-1A.1, FV3-1A.2,FV3-1C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB IsolationBall Valve at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation Tailings& BPFB after T-OffIsolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation TailingsOversize ScreenSN4-34 at T-Off Instrument AirIsolation TailingsValves at T-Off Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1Intermediate Valve Instrument AirIsolationThickening CycloneSample ControlValve 4-13.1 atT-Off Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1088, V1149,V1150, V1185, V1807 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2848 Instrument AirIsolation at T-Offfor HBF Pumps A, B& C FV7-15 A.1, B.1& C.1 Instrument AirIsolation at T-Offto LCV4-27.1 CoalThickener SumpLevel Instrument AirIsolation forSlimes Tank Outflowand UnderflowFV4-41A.1 & .2FV4-41B.1 & .2 Instrument AirIsolation to BeltPress Filter A(BPFA) FL 4-50A Instrument Air RingMain IsolationValve Instrument Airisolation TailingsThickener UnderflowFlushing Valves atT-Off Plant Air Ring MainIsolation Valve Plant Air Ring MainIsolation at RotaryBreaker Pit Plant Air Ring MainIsolation to LubeUnit RB 1-6 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 1st Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2002 2nd Inlet PrimaryInstrument Airisolaton Valve forAir Filter SP-2007 DCV2-30.1 AirIsolation Valve DCV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve DV2-31.2 AirIsolation Valve FV 3-27C.3, FV3-27C.2, FV 3-27C.1& FV 3-26C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-21.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-21.2 AirIsolation Valve FV2-26.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-31.1 & FV2-30.1Air Isolation Valve FV2-33B.1 &FV2-33A.1 AirIsolation Valve FV2-34.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-13G.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-13G.2 &FV2-26.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-16C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-19C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-21C.1,FV3-21C.1 &FV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-22C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-23C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-26A AirIsolation Valve FV3-29.1 & FV3-29.2Air Isolation Valve FV3-31A.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-31A.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-48C.1,FV3-49C.1 &FV3-49C.2 AirIsolation Valve FV3-5G.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-67.1 AirIsolation Valve FV3-8C.1, FV3-9C.1& FV3-9C.2 AirIsolation Valve FV4-2C.1 AirIsolation Valve FV4-2C.2 AirIsolation Valve Floatation AirFilter 1 Floatation AirFilter 2 HBF Air Filter 1 HBF Air Filter 2 Instrument AirIsolation TailingsCyclone InletControl Valves Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4A.2,FCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-4B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFCV4-5.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV1.26.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV2-15.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-2B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-5.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV3-5.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-28.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-31A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-3A.1, FV4-3C.1,FV4-3B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60A.2,ZC4-60A.1,ZC4-60A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60B.2,ZC4-60B.1,ZC4-60B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.1,FV4-60C.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-60C.3,FV4-60C.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV4-62C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-11A.1,FV7-11B.1,FV7-11C.1, FV7-10.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forFV7-12.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-1C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-22A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV3-8A.1,LCV3-20A.1,FV3-20A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-1B.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-30C.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-46.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.1 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4A.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4AB.4 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.2 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forLCV4-4B.3 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0233, V0223 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV0307 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1084 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1108 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1105, V1112,V1110, V2576 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1148, V1120, V1159 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1156 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1188, V1189,V1190, V1191 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1199, V1413 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1410 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV1441 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2671 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2673 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2675 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2681 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2684 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2686 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2786 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2787, V2788 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2789, V2790 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2791, V2792 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2793, V2794 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2796, V2795 Instrument AirIsolation Valve forV2798 and FV4-51.1 LCV3-20C.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.2 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-22C.3 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-26A.1 AirIsolation Valve LCV3-8C.1 AirIsolation Valve Main Instrument AirIsolator PT27A.2 & PI8-27A.2Air Isolation Valve Primary InstrumentAir Isolation Valvefor V2574, V1063,V1064, V1800,V1061, V1062 SP-2008 Outletisolation valve andisolation forPSL4-60.1Compressed AirPressureTransmitterMagnetite Pit AirPressure Oil / WaterSeparator A Oil / WaterSeparator B Package AirCompressor 1 Package AirCompressor 2 Package AirCompressor 3Plant AirDistribution AirPressure Plant Air MainlineFilter Plant Air ReceiverA Plant Air ReceiverB Air Drier ADownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier A ReliefValve Air Drier BDownstreamIsolation Valve Air Drier B ReliefValve CM8-23 Drive Pkg Air Compressor1 Isolation Valve CM8-24 Drive Pkg Air Compressor2 Isolation Valve CM8-25 Drive Pkg Air Compressor3 Isolation Valve Instrument AirIsolation Plant AirDistribution AirPressure PT8-27B.1 Receiver 1 InletIsolation Valve Receiver 2 InletIsolation ValveInsideContains