Twin Engine

Create a New Model

Create a New Twin

This function will create a new Twin model for the Backer Coater asset.

WARNING: This process will take some time, during which you will not be able to use ARDI in this browser.

Model Inputs
Backer Coater Applicator Current - Armature
Backer Coater Applicator Current - Field
Backer Coater Applicator Current - Percentage
Backer Coater Applicator Pressure - Applicator
Backer Coater Applicator Speed - Actual
Backer Coater Pickup Current - Armature
Backer Coater Pickup Current - Field
Backer Coater Pickup Current - Percentage
Backer Coater Pickup Speed - Actual
Backer Coater Status - Running
Backer Coater Tension - Actual
Finish Coater A Speed - Maximum
Finish Coater A Status - Running
Finish Coater A Temperature - Strip
Finish Coater B Status - Running
Paint Line Product Type
Paint Line Speed - Actual
Paint Line Speed - L3
Paint Line Speed - Maximum
Paint Line Speed - Model Ideal
Paint Line Speed - Target
Paint Line Status - Painting
Paint Line Thickness
Paint Line Width