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There are 185 active alerts
ZS1-11.1 Drifting
ZS1-11.2 Drifting
ZS1-21.1 Drifting
ZS1-21.2 Drifting
ZS1-26.2 Drifting
ZS1-26.3 Drifting
ZS1-26.4 Drifting
ZS1-26.5 Drifting
ZS1-29.1 Drifting
ZS1-29.2 Drifting
ZS1-42.1 Drifting
ZS1-42.2 Drifting
ZS1-42.3 Drifting
ZS1-42.4 Drifting
HSS4-46.3 Stopped
ZS1-13.1 Drifting
ZS1-13.2 Drifting
ZS1-14.1 Drifting
ZS1-14.2 Drifting
ZS1-15.1 Drifting
ZS1-15.2 Drifting
ZS1-18.2 Drifting
ZS1-18.3 Drifting
ZS1-18.4 Drifting
ZS1-18.5 Drifting
ZS1-45.3 Drifting
ZS1-45.4 Drifting
ZS1-45.5 Drifting
ZS1-45.6 Drifting
ZS1-46.3 Drifting
ZS1-46.4 Drifting
ZS1-47.3 Drifting
ZS1-47.4 Drifting
ZS1-48.3 Drifting
ZS1-48.4 Drifting
ZS1-6.1 Drifting
ZS1-6.2 Drifting
ZS1-9.1 Drifting
ZS1-9.2 Drifting
ZS2-28.1 Drifting
HSS2-28.13 Pulled
HSS2-28.14 Pulled
ZS2-28.2 Drifting
ZS6-1.2 Drifting
ZS6-1.3 Drifting
ZS6-1.4 Drifting
ZS6-1.5 Drifting
ZS6-6.2 Drifting
ZS6-6.3 Drifting
ZS6-6.4 Drifting
ZS6-6.5 Drifting
ZS6-22.1 Drifting
ZS6-22.2 Drifting
ZS6-3.1 Drifting
ZS6-3.2 Drifting
CF3-41E2 Rotation Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
CF3-41E3 Vibrator Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
SN3-52 Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
PU2-41 Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
PU7-11 Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
SN3-13D Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
SN3-13E Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
PU3-41E1 Pump Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
PU1-33 Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
PU7-13 Drive Control Supply Has Tripped
PU7-13 Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
CV1-48 Drive Isolator / E-Stop Active
DT1-49 Drive Thermal Overload
DT1-49 Drive Control Supply Has Tripped
PP1-36 Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
VF1-2 Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
PU7-15C Drive Circuit Breaker Has Tripped
LSH2-24.2 Chute Blocked
FN4-38 Faulted
FN4-64C Faulted
SA6-95 Faulted
PU3-57C Drive Faulted
PU3-49C Drive Faulted
PU3-49A Drive Faulted
PU3-57A Drive Faulted
SN3-52 Drive Faulted
PU2-41 Drive Faulted
PU4-2C Drive Faulted
SN3-5G Drive Faulted
PU3-21B Drive Faulted
PU3-9B Drive Faulted
PU7-11 Drive Faulted
SN3-13D Drive Faulted
SN3-13E Drive Faulted
PU3-2B Drive Faulted
PU3-41E1 Pump Drive Faulted
PU3-43 Drive Faulted
PU4-62B Drive Faulted
FL4-60C Drive Faulted
PU4-47C Drive Faulted
PU4-62C Drive Faulted
PU4-63C Drive Faulted
PU4-66C Drive Faulted
PU4-72C Drive Faulted
PP1-72 Drive Faulted
FL4-53B Drive Faulted
PU4-49 Drive Faulted
PU4-74 Drive Faulted
FE7-2B Drive Faulted
PU4-52A Drive Faulted
PU4-56A Drive Faulted
VF7-2C Drive Faulted
PU1-33 Drive Faulted
FN4-38 Drive Faulted
FN4-64C Drive Faulted
PP1-22 Drive Faulted
PU7-13 Drive Faulted
SA6-95 Drive Faulted
CR2-25 Drive Faulted
CV6-22 Drive Faulted
DT6-3 Drive Faulted
CV1-47 Drive Faulted
CV1-48 Drive Faulted
DT1-49 Drive Faulted
PP1-36 Drive Faulted
VF1-2 Drive Faulted
CV1-5 Drive Faulted
VF1-44D Drive Faulted
PU5-9 Drive Faulted
PU6-24 Drive Faulted
PU7-15C Drive Faulted
CN5-11 Drive Faulted
LT4-60B.1 Faulted
LT4-60A.1 Faulted
LT4-11.1 Faulted
LT1-22.1 Faulted
LT1-41A Faulted
LT1-44A.1 Faulted
LT1-44C.1 Faulted
LT1-44D.1 Faulted
LI1-49.1 Faulted
LT1-16A.1 Faulted
LT4-1C.1 Faulted
LT3-26C.1 Faulted
LT3-26A.1 Faulted
LT3-56A.1 Faulted
LT8-30A.1 Faulted
LT8-30B.1 Faulted
LT7-4.1 Faulted
LT7-8.1 Faulted
PDT2-29.1 Faulted
FV4-60C.1 Faulted
FV1-5.1 Faulted
FV4-39A.3 Faulted
FV2-30.1 Faulted
FV3-8C.1 Faulted
FV3-20C.1 Faulted
FV3-25B.1 Faulted
FV3-25B.2 Faulted
FV1-5.2 Faulted
FV4-13C.1 Faulted
FV4-41A.2 Faulted
FV4-41A.1 Faulted
FV4-50A.1 Faulted
FV7-4.1 Faulted
FV7-12.1 Faulted
FV3-5.2 Faulted
FV3-19C.1 Faulted
LCV3-20C.1 Faulted
LCV3-1C.1 Faulted
WT1-29 Faulted
WT1-19.1 Faulted
LIC4-60B.1 Faulted
LIC4-60A.1 Faulted
LIC4-1A.1 Faulted
LIC4-1B.1 Faulted
LIC3-22A.1 Faulted
LIC3-20C.1 Faulted
LIC3-22C.2 Faulted
LIC3-26A.1 Faulted
LIC3-48C.1 Faulted
LIC3-56A.1 Faulted
PIC3-9B.1 Faulted
PIC3-50C.1 Faulted
FIC3-1C.1 Faulted
DIC3-20B.1 Faulted
DIC3-56C.1 Faulted
FV3-16C.1 Faulted
GT1-1 Faulted
License Expires In -20553 Days
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Main Instrument Air Isolator Instrument Air Relationships
Main Instrument Air Isolator Instrument Air Relationships
Instrument Air Ring Main Isolation Valve
Small Coal Correct Medium Splitter Valve
Instrument Air Isolation B Side Splitter Tower Isolation Ball Valve at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation to Belt Press Filter A (BPFA) FL 4-50A
Instrument Air Isolation Miscellaneous at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation Flotation Bank C Isolation Ball Valve at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation Cationic FV4-56A.1 & FV4-56B.1 at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation Tailings Oversize Screen SN4-34 at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation for Slimes Tank Outflow and Underflow FV4-41A.1 & .2 FV4-41B.1 & .2
Instrument Air Isolation Flotation Bank C at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation Clarified Water Isolation Addition Isolation Ball Valve to FV5-2.1
Instrument Air Isolation Tailings & BPFB Isolation Ball Valve at T-Off
Instrument Air Isolation BPF Feed Pump A Fresh Water Feed Valve FV4-52A.1
Instrument Air Isolation Secondary Correct Medium Pump Contol Valves FV3-56.1, FV3-57C.1 & FV3-57C.2
Instrument Air Isolation Secondary Correct Medium Pump A Inlet and Drain Valves FV3-57A.1 & FV3-57A.2
1st Inlet Primary Instrument Air isolaton Valve for Air Filter SP-2007
Instrument Air Isolation Valve for V1105, V1112, V1110, V2576
Instrument Air Isolation Valve for V1441
1st Inlet Primary Instrument Air isolaton Valve for Air Filter SP-2002
Instrument Air Isolation Valve for LCV8-30.1
Instrument Air Isolation Valve for FV3-25B.1
Instrument Air Isolation Flocculant Storage Tank Transfer Valve FV7-4.1
Instrument Air Isolation Flocculant Mixer Water Tank Fresh Water Feed Valve FV7-3.1
Instrument Air Isolation Flocculant Mixing Tank Fresh Water Feed Valve FV7-3.2
Instrument Air Isolation Tailings Thickner Feedwell Fresh Water Feed Valve FV7-16.1
Instrument Air Isolation Coal Thickener Dosing Spear Fresh Water Feed Valve 7-17.1
Instrument Air Isolation BPF Feed Pump B Fresh Water Feed Valve FV4-52B.1
Instrument Air Isolation Tailings Thickener Rake Height Raise Valve FV4-38.4
Instrument Air Isolation Tailings Thickener Sample Valve FV4-32.2 & Clarometer AT4-38.1
Instrument Air Isolation Valve for FV7-15A.1